A Grim Memory

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When I woke up, I was in a very dark bedroom with a blazing fire in the fireplace. I turned my head and saw my Dad asleep in a chair beside the bed.

"Dad," I said, in a whisper.

His eyes shot open.

"Lilly, how are you feeling? Do you need more blankets? " Sev immediately asked.

"Dad, I'm fine. If anything I am stifling in all these blankets," I replied. "How long was I out?"

"You passed out last night and why were all your clothes wet?" Sev asked me. "And what happened to your arm?"

"When I went to Professor Lupin's office yesterday, my room put me in there in mid-air and I fell into the Grindylow tank. The Grindylow attacked me. Professor Lupin Stunned it and pulled me out of the tank. He also bandaged my arm," I explained, looking down to see that my arm had been rebandaged.

"Then I will thank him when I bring him his potion today. You don't have any clothes, but I could get Professor McGonagall to get you some," my Dad replied.

"Where are mine now?" I asked.

"In the laundry," Dad replied.

"Could you get her to ask Luna for a pair of PJs? I don't think anyone can get in my dorm," I told him. He nodded.

Sev left the room to go find me some PJs to wear. When he came back he was holding a pair of black and white flannel pants and a tank top with the Hogwarts crest on it.

"Professor McGonagall was unable to find Luna so I popped over to our house to grab you something to wear. I made sure that there was still a few things there just in case they were needed. I figured you would want something comfortable and familiar rather than something new," Sev told me, moving to help me with the heavy layers of blankets that were piled on top of me.

"I am sorry for passing out against you last night," I told him as I put on the PJs. "I didn't realize that I would pass out so quickly," I told him.

"You never have to apologize for something out of your control Lilly. Based on how fast you passed out, I am assuming that you have had hypothermia before?" Dad asked me, his voice going all fatherly.

I nodded.

"Then I am going to have to ask you not to attend Quidditch matches if it is raining, cold or both. Also, can you please put a jacket in your school bag for Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures?" Sev continued.

"Of course Dad," I said, then I realized that before I put on my new PJs, I wasn't wearing anything except my undergarments, so I assumed that my dad had seen the bite mark that had been on my left hip for about seven years now.

Dad must have assumed what I was thinking about.

"Do you want me to explain?" I asked him.

Sev nodded.

"Come into here, I will get you something to eat. I know you have been taking my food without my permission, don't think I don't know that," Sev directed me.

"Sorry, I didn't know where else to get any," I said.

I sat down and waited for him to come into the living room he had directed me into. He passed me a hot chocolate and a lemon cranberry muffin, both of which I gladly accepted.

"Are you a werewolf or a Rogue Wolf?" Sev asked me gently.

"A Rogue Wolf," I answered.

"Can you start at the beginning?" Dad asked me in an equally gentle voice as the last question. I nodded.

Lillian Evans: Harry Potter's Sister(Sort Of)Where stories live. Discover now