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Time seemed to pass quite slowly. Sirius made some chicken noodle soup, which Remus had to feed to me, as my hands were too shaky to hold the spoon or the soup. Three days passed like this until I was able to do basic motor functions on my own. Remus had not even told Sirius what I saw in my dream, despite his persistent questions. They had not invited Cissa over, something I was grateful for as I had very little to no control over my powers. As my third day at their house came to an end, I could hear Sirius and Remus talking downstairs.

"I still think we should have taken her to St. Mungo's," Sirius said. "Not because I don't trust you Rem, but because we don't really know what happened, or why she reacted the way she did."

"How about we take her to Gringotts tomorrow, when it first opens?" Remus suggested. "Lilly wanted to talk to her account manager anyway, and they generally have answers. I think Severus is keeping something from her, something that would help her control whatever these newfound abilities are."

"That is a good idea Moony," Sirius said. "But don't you need parental approval for that?"

"I am her godfather," Remus said. "And if they don't take that, we can always find her father and threaten him until he agrees to it."

At Remus' statement, which I assumed that Sirius had nodded in agreement, they both went into the kitchen and got something to eat, I let my mind wander. Did Dad not tell me something about my powers? Why would he keep it from me? Why wouldn't he let it be my decision? He didn't even seem that bothered about the fact that I had been tortured while lying in a bed at Hogwarts, all he seemed to care about was that I didn't pass out.

After a half-hour had passed, another wave of pain washed over my body. Instead of fighting the urge to pass out as I had the last four times this had happened, I allowed myself to slip into the darkness, finally feeling relief from all the pain that I had been in for the last three days.

When I opened my eyes, all I could see was a castle, much like Hogwarts, except this felt like home, like I belonged here. I could see some trees swaying in the wind, yet didn't feel anything.

"Hello there," a voice said from behind me. "Welcome to the Beyond."

"The what?" I asked, feeling confused.

"Don't mind him, he is just messing with you," someone else said, also standing behind me.

I turned around and saw two figures. One was a woman, with shock white hair, rather like mine when I was in pain, and a man, with jet black hair.

"My name is Death, and this is Life," the man said. "But you can call me Killian."

He winked at me, and I felt myself blush. The woman smacked him upside the head.

"Don't mind him, he never learned any manners," she said. "You can call me Pandora."

"Why am I here?" I asked. "And why didn't my Dad want me to pass out?"

"You are here because that is your destiny," Life, no, Pandora said. "It is apart of who you are, why Chaos decided that you should have to undergo that horrific torture again. Don't worry, he is being dealt with, mostly be Mishief, although Lady Magic is making his life hell right now."

"As for your father, he thinks that you are some sort of demon," Killian said. "He thinks that if you pass out, you will be transported to one of the Levels of Hell. For the record, I would never let that happen."

"Why would he think that I am some sort of demon?" I asked confused before my legs twitched uncomfortably.

Death moved to my side and placed his hand on my arm. All of my pain was immediately removed, and he did not seem to feel any of it.

Lillian Evans: Harry Potter's Sister(Sort Of)Where stories live. Discover now