The Beginning

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All rights go to J.K.Rowling [besides some of the plot and the characters I create]

I opened my eyes to the sound of someone screaming my name. I had already been awake for a couple of hours, as my usual nightmare had woken me up, and I didn't feel like going back to sleep. I dragged myself out of bed, and threw on some random clothes, not wanting to be punished for taking too long. Once I was done getting dressed, I ran down the front stairs, hoping I wouldn't get in trouble for doing that. I could see Miss standing at the bottom of them, looking very angry.

"Albus Dumbledore would like to speak to you," Miss told me. "But you are to make breakfast before that happens."

I nodded my head, staring at the ground, trying not to show any emotion on my face. Inwardly, I was incredibly nervous, the only person who ever visited me was Nymph, and she hadn't come around since I was eleven. I missed her a lot, as she was one of the few people that I had met that was nice to me. Some of the younger kids that lived here looked up to me, but that wasn't the same thing as having friends. And everyone was nicer than Miss's boyfriend. He hadn't been to see her since the incident, which everyone was very pleased about.

I finished making breakfast for everyone in the orphanage and started making a cup of coffee for Miss. I knew that if I didn't she would be furious at me. I looked around in the fridge for something to offer this Dumbledore person, who sounded a lot like the wizard that my Aunt Cissa used to complain about when she thought I wasn't listening. The only thing I could find in the fridge was bottles of water, so I grabbed two to bring up with me. It only took a few more minutes for the coffee to be finished, and I grabbed both the coffee and water before heading towards the back stairs. Unlike the front stairs, these hadn't been refurbished since before I arrived at the orphanage. I was the only person who ever used them, everyone else was allowed to use the front ones. There was a gap in the stairs that you had to jump over to get over, which was sometimes problematic, especially when I was tired. Luckily for me, the stairs did not break further as I made the running leap. I continued running up the stairs, hoping that whoever was here wouldn't leave because of how long it took me to make breakfast. Once I reached the top of the stairs, I turned around the corner to my room and saw Miss standing in the hallway.

Without saying anything, I passed her the cup of coffee and headed into my room, ignoring the glare that she was giving me. I walked inside and saw that there were two people instead of just the one that I was expecting. I took a moment to observe them without drawing attention to myself. The two of them could not have been more different from each other. One of them looked to be about 100 years old and had long white hair. He was wearing some outlandish-looking clothes, that were very billowy. The clothes were covered in stripes of different colours, which made it look like someone tried to make a pinstripe suit without knowing what one looked like. The other man was much younger and had black hair. He was wearing the same type of billowy clothing, the only thing the two had in common, but his was all black. I handed them both a water bottle, drawing their attention to me.

"Hello there," the older man said, looking slightly surprised that I was in the room. "My name is Albus Dumbledore."

I nodded. "Lilly Evans," I said quietly, feeling suddenly nervous.

"This is Severus Snape," the man I now knew to be Dumbledore told me. "I have come to offer you a place at Hogwarts."

Instantly, my mind flashed to the movies that Nymph had given me to watch and remembered her warning not to tell anyone about them. She had apparently stolen them from her boss who was cataloging them.

"What kind of school is it?" I asked him. "Does it specialise in Chemistry?"

At my words, Severus Snape let out a chuckle.

"No," he said, staring at me as if I were absurd. "Hogwarts is a school where you learn magic."

"Magic?" I asked, making my voice slightly more confused. "Magic doesn't exist."

"I can assure you that it does," Severus said. "Would you like me to prove it?"

I nodded my head slightly. Severus took what I assumed to be his wand out of his clothing, and aimed it at the water bottle that I had given him. I watched as it duplicated itself.

"But what does this have to do with me?" I asked the two Professors, feeling anxious.

"You are a witch," Dumbledore told me.

"What Professor Dumbledore means to say is that you have magic, therefore you can attend Hogwarts. In the Wizarding World those who are magical are either called a witch, or a wizard," Professor Snape explained, shooting Dumbledore a dirty look. "I would also like to adopt you."

"Why would you want to do that?" I asked Professor Snape, liking him a lot more than Dumbledore. "And thank you for explaining."

"You are quite welcome," Professor Snape told me. "I want to adopt you so that you do not have to return to this place again. I am also going to help you find your parents."

"Thank you," I said quietly, feeling happier than I had in a long, long time. "Should I pack my stuff then?"

"You should," Professor Dumbledore told me, looking between Professor Snape and I with a thoughtful look on his face. "Can you take her to get her school supplies please Severus?"

The black-haired professor nodded his head and waited in my room as Dumbledore left. Once I had packed everything that I owned, which was very little, Professor Snape and I headed downstairs to the front desk.

After filling out all the necessary forms so that Professor Snape could adopt me, the two of us walked outside and he headed towards an alleyway. I hesitantly followed him.

"In order for us to get to the shopping district, I have to Apparate there. There is an entrance that you can access from the street, but it is quite a long walk. You will have to hold onto my arm, and not let go until we have landed there," Professor Snape explained. "You will probably feel nauseous when the journey is complete."

I nodded my head in understanding and gripped my backpack a little tighter. I then took a hold of his arm and braced myself for the incoming sensation. To say that Apparating was horrible would have been an understatement. I felt like I was being sucked through a tube, and then squeezed out of it again. I did manage to stick the landing, but I felt very queasy. After a few minutes, I no longer felt like I was going to throw up, I looked at where we landed. We were in an alleyway that I did not recognize.

"I figured that you would like to enter Diagon Alley the traditional way, rather than going straight in there," Professor Snape said. "And you can call me Severus when we are alone."

"Thanks," I said, starting to feel slightly overwhelmed by everything that was happening at once.

Severus then opened the door into what I assumed to be the Leaky Cauldron. Hesitantly, I followed him inside, bracing myself for whatever was inside.


I realize that the beginning of this story compared to what has been published recently is not very good. I wrote the first 10 chapters a long time ago, and they have been in need of editing for a while now (the first five in particular). I am going through the process of rewriting them now, so there won't be new content published for a while. Many thanks to all of you who continued to read the rest of it.

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