First Night at Hogwarts

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I had the best time of my life at Severus' house. I had at least three meals a day, and he let me do whatever I wanted to. I got to learn about the magical world that I was going to be officially joining on September 1st. It turns out that everything that I tried, I was good at. For me, the best part was when he let me go to Draco's house for a sleepover. I had missed talking to him in the years that I was not living with them. Their manor was even more elegant and amazing than I remembered, and it was nice to have someone to talk to about the more girly aspects of my life. Aunt Cissa, which Nisacarra insisted I call her, taught me several things about being a pureblood.

There were many things that I got to try for the first time, considering that Severus basically lived in a manor as well. He bought me a horse so that I could learn how to ride one, amongst several other things that made time fly. Before I knew it, I was packing my trunk and backpack to take with me to Hogwarts. I was sad to leave, as this was the first place I have ever not been judged for being different.

I spent a lot of time bonding with my griffin, who I named Ella. I was able to nurse her back to health. Like me, she hated the cold, so I made (and ordered) her some adorable sweaters that she could wear when it got colder. I also met Severus' 'owl', who was really a hawk that acted as his owl. According to Sev, his hawk, whose name was Astra, did not like most people and tried to attack them upon meeting them. I was apparently special as Astra warmed up to me instantly.

Severus and I decided that he should take me to King's Cross the Muggle way so that I had the authentic experience (his words, not mine). He was then going to go to Hogwarts. Luckily for me, I was exempt from having to ride the boats from the station as I was not the biggest fan of big bodies of water.

When we arrived, it was quarter to 11, so he helped me get my trunk onto the train, leaving me to carry my backpack along with Ella's carrier case.

"Please behave," Severus told me, having been subjected to some of my pranking ideas throughout the last two weeks.

"I will," I told him, mentally rolling my eyes at him.

I could see everyone who was still on the platform staring at us, not used to seeing Professor Snape act in such a carefree manner.

"Bye Sevy, I will miss you," I called back to him as I got on the train.

"Behave Lilly," he yelled back, chuckling slightly at my antics.

I walked down the train in search of a compartment. I found one that had Harry, Ron, Hermione and Professor Remus J. Lupin.

"Hello. Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full," I asked the Golden Trio [quoting Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone].

"Of course," Hermione told me.

"Do you know who that is?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah. Remus Lupin. New Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher," I explained to the three friends.

"How did you know that?" Ron asked me.

"He's a friend of Nymph's," I replied.

"And who is Nymph?" Hermione asked me.

"A friend of mine. And Nymph is her nickname," I said, frustrated that they wouldn't shut up.

They looked like they wanted to talk about something amongst themselves, so I took out one of the books that I had gotten that was written entirely in runes, and my Walkman that Severus had gotten me. I quickly put on my headphones and started reading to block out the conversation that they were having. I couldn't read much of the book, but there were passages that I could read really easily and I liked how confused it made people around me when I just started reading it.

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