Long live the Queen

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"Checkmate!". This is the fifth time I've beaten John at Chess and he insists on playing again every time he loses.

My name is Eloise ( El-o- ease)  Calain ( Ca- Lain). I am to be next in line to the Throne of Elopia. I am the last child of three siblings. My parents are the King and Queen of Elopia, this kingdom has been standing for many years and has many stories to tell and have been told.

My soon to be Kingdom, had been under attack for these past two years. My parents never tell me about the work they do, because 'Im not ready yet'. Even though I have proven to be more than capable to take care of myself.

"I let you win that princess". John leans back in his chair with a smile plastered on his face.

"As if, you were trying your hardest. I see those little sweat droplets". I tease, picking up the game pieces. John is my friend since we were running around in diapers in the town square.

You don't see alot of 'royals' hanging around or having 'poor people', (or so they say) as friends.  My parents didn't care who I made friends with honestly, they care more about my education than who I meet.

"Are you excited for coronation day? Or so getting married?". G- Getting Married?!.

"I'm sorry, come again?".

"Oh shit, I wasn't supposed to say that-". He closes eyes and pinches his nose bridge with his thumb and forefinger.

I abruptly got up from my chair and stomped to the door about to confront my parents about this unwanted marriage. John's yells and plead's for me to stop get quieter as I'm walking to my parents office.

Arriving to my destination, I bust open there door, and both faces came to look at me startled.

"Why didn't you guys tell me I was to be wedded!". Both of my parents eyes narrow at John who has just arrived.

"You told her?". My Father says calmly but yet annoyed.

"Well you see-".

"That's for another time". I say putting my hand up to his face to silence him.

"Parent's, do you care to explain to me about this marriage- wait I'm sorry let me re- phrase, this unwanted marriage".

"You will see in two hours. We have a dinner with the Coswell's," I open my mouth to debate, but I am quickly turned down with my mother's forefinger in the air, signaling me to not speak.

"I have already picked out your dress and the maids will have you dressed and prepped for this evening. And you will cooperate and participate in this evening's dinner". I was silent as always when getting told what to do.

I can't believe I have no say in what I do. I getting a forged marriage, I don't even know who this person is. I don't know what he does, I don't know where he is from, I don't know anything  about him. Facing my back away from them about to walk off my mother says her last words to me.

"Don't slouch". I mentally roll my eyes, and fix my posture. Walking back into my room with John trailing behind me. As soon I am behind closed doors I start ranting to John.

"I can't believe them! They didn't tell me in anyway, shape, or form!". John nods, sitting down on my bed. I hear notorious knocking on my door, knowing it's the maid's I let them in.

"And I don't even have I say in this, How could they?". The maids take out the measuring tape and wrap it around my waist, taking my measurements.

"I mean, I know they don't care for me as much as my other siblings, but to do this is a new low for them!". John nods with a deep concentrating face on.

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