Story Teller

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It feels as if its been forever since I've been locked up in this dull room. I sit on the floor playing with the string of my robe. The last hour? or 30 minutes I was trying trying to find a way out of this room, it was very difficult considering I  only had one window and I'm on the second floor. Being locked up in this room also made me realize that I will never get out of this place till in-competent Blythe arrives and I'm sure he is taking his sweet time horse playing around with his friends. He could have at least put me in a room where I had stuff to do, so heartless he is. I wish I knew the time, it would make it way easier. It's probably near lunch already and I haven't heard one servant down the hall. He probably ordered them to stay away from me.

What an entitled scum. I lay back flat on my back and groan of boredom and lack of freedom I have. My eye catches shadows under the door, they look like people feet; and my ears hear people whispering among themselves. " Were not suppose to bother her, do you realize what would happen if she were to open her big mouth and tell Blythe that we fed her today?" a feminine voice whisper yells, "She won't, she's too sweet and she only wants to make friends in here, poor gal" an elderly voice says back. I sit up from my back quietly so they won't hear anything from the room. " I don't care, I'm not feeding her, she has caused all of us enough trouble". A pair of feet walk away from the door but only one remains by the door. Abruptly, the door knob jingles with a turn opening the door, a old woman with gray-ish black-ish hair appears through the door way holding a tray of food and maybe some type of soup in a bowl.

" I assume you heard everything especially that girls and her rude comments about you; there not true you are a wonderful sweet girl", I smile and say thank you to the compliment and food she has brought me. She sets it on the floor in front of me and I waste no time eating it with such haze and hurry. "Pace yourself child", I blush a little from embarrassment but the lady just smiles down at me. The elder speaks up after a while, "It's awful the way he treats you, he hasn't had good relationships with people let alone his future wife. I guess the King isn't a people person. As a child he spent his days inside reading and didn't talk to anyone; not even his own brother. His parents were very sweet and gave him time to let him grow out of his faze but it wasn't a faze, he was just naturally cold. Still, it doesn't hurt to pretend to have some human decency and be kind even if you don't know how". She stops looking for her next words until she see's me looking at her. She giggles to herself and excuses herself. "My my, I've been rambling on haven't I? I'm sorry dear-", "No, no ma'am", I say, "Please continue". She chuckles and sit on a near by chair as it squeaked a little when she sat down.

"His parents didn't know why he is so cold, they thought they haven't done anything wrong, they thought. I always did believe they had more faith and more communication with the younger brother, Ace. Ace was very smart and  outgoing- a big social butterfly, and his parents were a social butterflies so naturally they had more fun with Ace than Blythe, I think that is why Blythe is the way he is, heartbroken from the love and similarities from his brother to parents, he has no similarities of his own to share with his parents. Growing up it only got worse, his brother and him fought a lot, I witnessed many of them myself-". "Really? you were the Coswells maid before you were Blythe's?" I ask in curiosity. She nods. 

" I'm afraid the parents would take more of Ace's side more than Blythe's. When Blythe confronted them about it they said it was nonsense and they loved them equally, but there actions didn't match up. Yes, it is true they love them both, but it has always seemed they loved one more than the other. I guess they hadn't seen the wrong in there doing, but that only made things worse. As Ace grew older he started getting away with more things, stealing, inappropriate gatherings, and drinking. The more he was doing the more attention he got, the more attention he got the more Blythe started getting angrier and colder. Blythe was a very intelligent young man anyone could see it, even his parents if they gave him a little more time and attention. I felt bad for him though, no wonder he is the way he is now. Believe it or not he has gotten way better than before". I raise my eyebrows in surprise at such a statement. The lady sighs and gets up from the squeaking chair and leans down to take my empty tray.

"Now you know why he is they way he is. However, you have such a kind soul you will be exactly what he needs when he needed it way back when". With that, she left the room and I was left alone in a now silent room only filled with my thoughts. So he was neglected like me? I guess we do have something in common. This Ace, I wonder why he started doing these bad things? He was intelligent like Blythe so why did he flunk it? Was he not good enough?. I feel my eyes droop on there own control. I listen to my tired full body and laid down on the hard wood floor letting my body take its rest.

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