The Run Away

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The adrenaline I'm feeling is so real, I might pass out. People rush everywhere making sure everything is perfect for today.

Oh! Did I mention it's my wedding day?.

I haven't been told since.....the 1,000 time today in probably every ten seconds. I'm currently sitting down in my wash room staring at myself in the mirror. I'm no narcissist, but I see why I'm getting married.

Well honestly I had no choice but to. Everything feels fake, the wedding, the dress, and the people, and lastly the love. None of this is real, the one thing I at least wanted to be real was fake. And I can't get out of it, it's like a jail keeping me from the real world.

Everything is all happy and sunshine and rainbows all the time. When will I get to know the truth of things, the true being behind the average citizen of my kingdom. I don't even know about my soon to be Kingdoms financial issue. I can't believe my parents were just going to lay it all on me the day of my coronation.

I sigh and rub my temples. I look up at the mirror and smile trying to fool myself everything is ok. Just as I'm about to get up from my stool, Aurora bust open the door and forthcoming me to her. As soon as I'm in arms length, she grabs my delicate wrist in her's and yanks it with her.

"Ow! Hey what's going on?". She looks back at me with dirt all over her face and a apologetic smile. Still confused, I follow her of which I do not know where to, the more we walk the more commotion I hear. Screaming and yells and things being destructed fill my terrified ears.

"Find her!". I hear from a closed wall near by. Aurora gasps and her grip on me grows tighter as her clamy hands wrap on to mine. Running with heals and a wedding dress isn't a easy thing to do, especially when your nervous and scared and really confused. I don't say anything though and just follow through with Aurora.

We rush down into the chamber built for prisoners that do no good. I'm rushed into a confined room with dirty cement walls and a metal door, with a little window to slide food through.

"Aurora....what?". Her bottom lip tremble as her tears fight not to fall. She bites her bottom lip and looks at me with her glassy blue eyes. I walk towards her, but she shuts the door before I got the chance to hug her. Through the small metal doors I can tell a few tears fell down her face.

"I'm sorry, goodbye Eloise". And with that she shuts the little medal door as her heels clack against the cement floor farther and farther away from me.

My stomach drops as I don't hear anything anymore, just the loud shouts and destruction being caused. I then think about my parents, there probably as confused as I am and fighting for there life right now. Does Blythe know what's happening? Our kingdom is probably under attack.

But that doesn't make any sense considering we haven't any enemies. Hopeless and confused and sit back onto a wall and cry. Cry for being alone, cry for being scared and torn, cry for being confused and frustrated.

I bring my knees to my chest and rest my head on my boney knees. My cry turns into sniffles as my sniffles turn into nothing. There's nothing but  silence. I lift my head and turn on my hearing to extreme to focus more. I stand corrected, there's nothing, there's silence.

I stand up from the dirty floor and walk over to the door and bang on it super hard. I let out a cry for help and I let out a cry if anyone can hear me. But there is still nothing, but silence.


Until broad footsteps come down the stairs and come closer and closer to me. The jingle of keys fill my ears as the metal door opens to reveal my father sweaty and bloody. His once white cotton shirt was now slashed and bloody and dirty.

He puts his hands on my cheeks and looks at me dead in the eyes. He's barely standing as his legs start to give out. I hold his arms and start saying sweet nothings to him and asking where my mother is and Blythe and Aurora. He shushes me with his forefinger and tells me to listen closely, so I do.

"Go with Blythe, don't make things harder than things already are. Take off your dress and just wear your undergarments," I assume he's talking about my corset and my cotton flimsy pants. " You need to go to the..". He falls to the ground, taking me with him. Water brims the corner of my eyes as my father's breathing faulters.

"Father? Please, please don't leave me too". I get no response back, except the cold brown eyes staring at me into my crying soul. With my shaking hand, I gently close his eyes, as tear drops falls on his dirty brown skin. I take a moment before getting up and taking of my now dirty and bloody dress. Leaving with only my undergarments on.

With the door open, giving me opportunity to leave the cold chamber I was once in as I step into the basement leading up to a secret room where swords and armor was kept.

I take a sword and a armor suit and put it on. With the heavy weight on my shoulders, I keep going until I see dead bodies on the ground. Dead bodies I know, on the ground.

I continue to walk down the galla only looking up, avoiding the deceased bodies lying cold on the floor.

"Blythe?. If your here please come out, unless your dead". I continue to walk down halls until I hear footsteps  behind me, I stop in my tracks; alarmed and scared to turn around. I take off my heals slowly, prepared to run.

On the count of three.




I quickly turn around with my sword out infront of me, prepared to defend myself. When I find no one there I slowly drop my sword and drops my shoulders that I didn't even realize were so tense.

"Gotcha". I violently am grabbed my strong arms and a white cloth over my mouth. I start trying to hit him with my sword, but it took me too long to realize I don't have it anymore. With the energy I have left, I try to hit whoever with my elbows and my foot heal but my momentum gets slower and slower.

My eyes starts drooping faster then I would like them too. I feel my legs give out, as my vision is clouded with black like ink. I am soon left with only my conscious and a black room.

This is what it means to be royal.


Hey guysss sorry it took me a long time to update, but it be that way sometimes. Don't forget to interact with my chapters (or don't , I won't force) . But anyways I hope you have a good day/night. I love you all:)

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