Beautiful Mistake

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Drinking hot Italian coffee brings me back to my grand ma ma and her cozy quiet small home on a garden hill, filled with white roses and weeds and all sorts of other beautiful plants.

She had anything you desired for, almost like she was a wizard. The thing I always asked for the most was simple, love and affection. And I didn't even have to ask her for it, for she would give it to me in a heartbeat. What she couldn't give me is loving appreciative parents. And I do not blame her for it, though I can not say I was upset over it a few times when I was a child.

Mrs. Joyce or should I say Mother was much like my grand ma ma. Except she is younger and has a child. An abusive child might I add.

Her sweet smile and her home aroma brings me happiness and memories of the happy dances and smiles I had once when I was little. Now I face trouble, misery, and most of all sadness. Sadness over the ones I miss dearly. Trouble of the brother I am left in the dark about. And the misery of sleeping under the same roof of a man who can't even look at me without saying something rude.

I hadn't even noticed I sighed a little bit too loud for Mrs. Joyce to hear me.

"What has you troubled?". Dragged out my daze I'm faced to a worried concerned face.

"Oh, nothing Mrs. Joyce" I said with my head down and my eyes casted down to my coffee.

"Oh dear I'm not Mrs. Joyce, it's Mother to you, or as the Americans say 'Mom'.

Before I could speak Mr. Coswell and Blythe walks in big brown doors and into the living room joining Joyce and I.

"Mother" Blythe nods toward Joyce.

Mother sets her coffee down and walks over to her tall son and hugs him deeply, though she is much shorter than him he still crouches in order to hug her correctly.

"Eloise your looking beautiful dear". Mr. Coswell said to me as he walks over to give me a hug. I shyly hug him in his huge arms.

" I know all of this is very very sudden but I count on getting to know you better, especially if you are to be Queen ruling beside my son". I nod at Mr. Coswell to shy to say something, but also in fear of saying something wrong.

"We've only come here to talk to both of you about this invasion and what to do about it". Blythe speaks up.

"Some might have more catching up to do", Blythe glares at me "Than others".

"Dear do you have something in your eye?" Mother asked.

"No, why?".

"Because I thought you were glaring at my daughter in law. Now let's go to the meeting board to discuss further of this....mess". I use all of my face muscles to compose myself of not laughing and smiling. Blythe stares hard at me as he watches me fall behind Mr. Coswell.

Just as I'm about to walk I'm tugged back with a strong grip, a grip to familiar in only three days.

"Stay quiet and don't even think of trying to help. You just sit there and look pretty, now go" he pushes me forward leaving my caramel arm marked with a red hand mark.

Once we're all in the huge meeting room, I sit next to Blythe as his parents suggested. In a matter of minutes more people started coming in and filling the chairs. I'm guessing it's the guards of some sort.

Another minute of this continues and I feel like I'm going to fall over. Blythe is making it tremendously difficult not to say anything. It's like his purposeful methods of saying the things I don't agree on most are gnawing at me, either that or he is truly hopeless.

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