Sugar Snaps

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 Eloise POV

After waking up from a peaceful slumber, I'm greeted by the smell of eggs and sausage coming from what it seems not to far from the downstairs kitchen. A soft knock echoes throughout the room and I immediately know who it is, its Arabella.

"Come in!" I say with a bright smile. She comes in with her head bowed down focus deeply on the tray filled with food and water on the side. "Did you sleep well?" I asked her, she didn't look at me nor say a word to me, all she did was put the tray on the night stand. After she did that she bowed her head down and walked so fast out the door the burned rubber. It must be from the incident yesterday. Why must Blythe ruin everything. I skip my breakfast and head to the bathroom connected to my room, or our room. I wash my face and take out some toothpaste and scrub my teeth clean. I start thinking about how I can get Arabella back to the way she should be. I really want us to be friends, I mean I need to make friends in here or else I'll be miserable. She can't just be afraid of me my whole I'm here. There has to be some place where she and I can relax. Maybe the cabin Blythe and I were at not too long ago. Suddenly I hear a clank against the marble counter, a metal cup surrounded by caramel fingers meet my eyes.

"You don't hear me come in the room nor do you hear me call your name, but you jump when you hear a mere metal cup against this counter" Blythe said with a harsh tone. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone to come in, is there something that you needed?" I say with a hushed tone of voice.

"I wanted to tell you that I would be out this evening, the servants will be taking care of you today, if something happens you report to the guards" He looks away from me as he fixes his shirt while looking the mirror. He fixes his tie flawlessly and his shirt collar, I hate and I mean hate to admit this but it was very attracting, ugh I need to  stop fawning over this man. "Eloise!", I jump at the sudden yelling of my name. " Yes? And can  you stop screaming my name? I'm right here" I complain. "Well stop day dreaming and I wouldn't have to call your name every two seconds then. Now as I was saying..." A rapid knocking from downstairs interrupts our conversation. Perfect timing for whoever knocked on the door. Blythe growls in frustration but walks out the bathroom door. I do a little victory dance but quickly put on a sating black robe on from the closet and follow Blythe downstairs.

"The king will see you now" one of the guards say letting in three men. I quickly walk down the main stairs to get a better look at the strange men and to introduce myself. As I'm walking down the stairs  one of men catches a quick glimpse towards me ,then back to Blythe now walking towards, he then looks quickly back at me but longer this time. I slow down my steps as I'm looking at him also. He has has light brown eyes like coffee, his hair is wavy like smooth chocolate his freckles travels along his ears. I finish walking down the stairs taking my identical eyes off of his. Blythe eyes me before taking the men with him to I know not where. I watch them leave, a girl   comes up to me and leads me back upstairs even though I came down there for a purpose.

She leads me back to my room and starts fishing in my closet not saying a word. " I can look for an outfit ma'am no worries", she doesn't listen me and she doesn't look back at me, instead she hands me a dress and asked if I needed to be fitted. I shake my head no and she walks out the door grumbling some words I couldn't hear. at least the dress is pretty,

 at least the dress is pretty,

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But i won't be needing it. Today its all about me and Arabella. I leave the dress where it is and head back downstairs again. Blythe and his....friends? are talking but it seems not about serious measures, on the big dining room table. The servants room is straight ahead but to go there I need to go through the dining room and into the servant hall. In a dilemma, I do the only thing that makes sense. 

I crawl.

"Well hello there". Sugar snaps. I get up from the ground and dust myself off. I look at the strange man and smile sweetly.

"Hello, I was just...", I draw a blank as to come up with a excuse on why I was on the ground. The man chuckles but walks away, I relax my tense shoulders, I then walk over to my destination but not before long of getting stopped again.

"What the hell do you think your doing?". Blythe. He gets up from his seat and storms toward me, as soon as he comes close to me I flinch, even though he never hit me I still remember his physical strength.

"I was looking for the...Kitchen" I lie. "You know where the kitchen is, so why are you not in that dress I laid for you and why are you here?" he glares harder at me at every word he says. I don't say anything, I take a step back but he just comes closer to me. "I- I" I couldn't manage any words; my throat becomes so dry it hurts to swallow. "Shut up". He takes my arm and drags me with him to the stairs. I know his friends are staring at me in pity, I can feel the stares burning in the back of my neck. He storms up the stairs and my feet can't keep up with his long legs. He throws me into a room I've never seen before. He lets go of my sore arm and shoves me into the room. I rub my sore arm trying to soothe the pain. With my back to Blythe, I hear the door close, my senses heighten and I quickly turn around. Bad idea. As if I couldn't have been more scared, he walks over to me slowly and furiously. I back away even though there is some distance between us. He suddenly stops walking towards me and Points down in front of him. "Come here, don't make me have to ask twice", I feel like a child getting scolded and about to get a spanking. I slowly walk towards but after he starts moving towards me I quickly walk towards him.

"You must be stupid for testing me, you remember the last time you pissed me off?". I nod. "Don't make it happen twice. Stay in this room until I come back to get you", I didn't even think about protesting. He left the room with a slam of a door. I was left alone in the empty room with no one.

I guess my plan is ruined, sugar snaps.

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