What next?

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Blythe Pov

Non-stop working and restless nights is all I do. Well, that and tracking Eloise's whereabouts. My two good friends Azeil and Lottie have been ordered by me to watch over Eloise. I know she won't make it a day out there because of how fragile she is. I also know she is too clueless to know how to work the new modern technology.

My army still hasn't found Ace's whereabouts. We just know where he isn't. It's frustrating to know he is two steps ahead of us even when you think you got him.

However, that might change today. We captured three of his men trying to come from the North of our fort by the castle. We have them contained and secured for information. My father seems to think that it won't work. Ace's men are like brainless dogs, they won't do anything unless there master tells them to. I on the other hand, think that torturing them into there right mind will get us where we need to be.

"Sir, you are needed downstairs" One of my men inform me. I nod and follow him out the door. In front of the metal door stands Romeo outside of the door.

"So why have you brought me to bottom chambers?".

Romeo changes his stance and his mood is now switched to a more serious attitude.

"One of them decided to speak up. He said Ace already knows her whereabouts and we don't stand a chance." Anger flows over me like a volcano and some men understood.

"Then I guess I will send a head to him as a warning." I said with clenched teeth. How dare he try to steal what's mine. Doesn't he know he can't dominate more than 5 armies that are on my side? And he still tries me?! The thought of him daring me makes me livid.

"Sir, what is the real purpose of him trying to get Eloise. She has no purpose to him or you so why don't we-"

"You will shut up if you know what is good for you. You forget your place, need I remind you who you serve and how you do it?" I glare at only his eyes. He looks so nervous his fingers can't move. He shakes his head and I raise my eyebrow.

"No sir-- I'm sorry sir" I keep my murderous glare in the dead silent room. After a couple of seconds I return to Romeo and ask him to come with me for a chat and a walk.

Eloise POV

"So, you mean to tell me that Blythe sent you two to watch over me because he is worried about his brother?" I ask. They both nod there heads. Azeil sighs and pours himself a cup of wine, he looks at me and I give him my cup. Lottie bites her lip in the awkward silence.

"And Blythe has no idea where his brother is" I ask in reassurance.

"Not that we have heard. But we are making sure we keep in contact with Blythe for new updates" Lottie said in a matter of fact tone.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this but it's better you know now if you think about it." I scoff at Azeil. Yeah because it's way better to be paranoid then to be oblivious. But in this case both are bad. I just wish things aren't like they are now and I knew how to take control over my life. I need a break- hell, all of us do.

"I'm going back to my room, I mean apartment-- house. You know what I mean." I leave with Lottie making sure I was ok while walking 5 feet to my penthouse. I close my door and kick of my high heels that have inflicted pain on my poor heel. I walk to the bathroom to take a shower but just as I turn the water on there were no towels.

"Ugh, how can you be one of the best business but you can't supply someone with fresh towels." I say to myself. Putting on my heels again, I slip out of my penthouse and go down to the reception office. The nice lady I saw before wasn't there. Instead I saw a young lady that was filing her nails.

"Hello I live in 1257 on the 7th floor, and I'm not supplied with towels so I was wondering if someone could bring me up some."  Say kindly. She just looks at me and rolls her eyes. She  then sits up straight and leans toward with her hands held together.

" I can't help you, go ask one of the cleaners". She said in a very squeaky voice, almost like she was trying to mock me. Despite the rude response I keep the same posture and smile, I try to cooperate again with the rude girl.

"Can you please tell me where I could find the cleaning staff?".

"Up your-"

"Marley!" The old women from this evening came in and immediately started scolding her and pulled her by her ear out of the chair and made her wait outside of the building. I stifle a giggle at plain karma that Marley had received.

"I am so terribly sorry, please forgive her on my behalf" the old lady sighs and shakes her head mumbling something about Marley before sitting down. I shrug it off like it was nothing and asked for clean fresh towels at my address. She complies and said they were going to be sent up. After thanking her, I go to my room in my apartment and go on my phone till the cleaner comes.

There wasn't much on this phone, not even social media which is understandable. This phone won't give me much entertainment and I can't and won't be cooped up in this huge apartment. There's nothing to do but ponder what is going to happen next to me.

School is something I've never been to and I didn't have to. I was home schooled to the fullest and learned a lot. I think my mother didn't mind home schooling me because she had nothing to do as well. Father would always leave her out of the kingdoms problems unless he believed she could do something in her 'womanly field of advancement'.

But to go to school was always something I've wanted to do- and still do. The friends you have there that you look forward to seeing everyday. And the school crushes must be the best part. And then on the last day of school you get to confess that you like them and a weight is lifted off your shoulders. Well, what would I know. I haven't even been.

But that doesn't mean I can't. I go to a search web called Google and look up schools in New York. There was so many schools from children to adults and it blew my mind. New York University is what caught my eyes first. But you had to have a high school diploma and since I was home schooled it was a automatic no. Disappointment washed over me but it was soon gone when I heard a knock at the door.

I opened the front door and man had towels in his hand and towels on the cart beside him. He only gave me the towels in his hand and left with a kind remark. I took a nice long shower that left me refreshed and ready for bed. I wear a pink satin pajama set. As I go to my bedroom I see the city lights and buildings and cars shining bright. The bed is huge and across from it is a big flat-screen TV.

I jump on the bed with a squeal and I feel like I melted into the soft comforter. I look up at the ceiling and see that it has a white strip along it's edges. I sit up more to see where it folows and to my surprise it around all the wall edges. I don't let it bother me as it could very well be how the room was supposed to be built.

I look at the remotes by the bed on the nightstand. They had three in a row. Who would need three remotes for a Tv?. I picked up one and pressed the red button that had a label that read 'on'. My whole room lit up in a white color and so did the edges of the TV across from me. I clicked a blue button and the room turned blue.

I get so surprised and excited I let out a squeal and start pressing random buttons that give me all sorts of beautiful colors. After I had a color craze, I settle with a dark blue and get comfortable for sleep. I put the color remote back. But as I do I knock a different one over, still feeling curious I tap a button on the remote that said close. Automatically the curtains start to close by itself.

"Oh my God, I actually love this place".

I think I don't need to go to high-school, this room is entertaining by itself.

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