No escape

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I've awoken in white silk sheets with the sun peeking through white curtains that seems to be moving on there own. As I move my arms to sit up, pain shoots though both of them almost as if there sore.

I can't remember what happened at all yesterday other than my father dying in my arms. I still don't know what happened to my disappeared mother. I try to propel myself up more clearly as my arms sink into the comfortable bed. I rub my temples trying to get my vision set on correctly.

As I look up, I notice my surroundings and realize this is not my room. I quickly get out of whose bed of which I do not know of. I walk towards the nearest window and look through it. This is definitely not my kingdom.

I look around the room at clues I may find where I am, I scratch my disheveled brown hair that is in dire need of a wash day. I walk towards a desk with paper neatly stacked in files  with a name on it I do not know.

A click of a door, I meet Blythe with nothing but underwear. Our eyes lock  until I notice my eyes weren't locked with his silver ones anymore. I quickly turn around and look at the floor with embarrassment laced all over my blushing face.

I hear shuffling around the room, some close to me and some far away. My eyes never moving from the wooden floor as I see him from the corner of my eye, walk across the room to his closet. I turn completely away from so I can't even see him from the corner of my eye now.

I move across the room, inching close to the door, but keeping it un-noticed by him. As I act like I'm intrigued by the walls, my fingers wrap around the cold gold knob anticipating to turn it or not. Before I could decide, I cold voice shook my body in command,

"Don't open the door" My eyes widen as how he knew I was going to make a dash for it.

"You don't have anywhere to go,so I don't suggest leaving my sight unless you want to end up dead". His back toral muscles face me before being vailed with a white shirt.

My fingers slowly move from the knob still thinking to abide by him or deny him instead. Either way he is right, as my memories flood back into my head; I remember I was supposed to do what my father said but I didn't get to fulfill his wishes before getting captured.

My now clamy hands clench at my sides as I try to muster up the courage to ask him questions that have been banging at my head since that horrific day.

Scooping up the courage, I open my lips but yet nothing comes out. He manages to beat me at speaking, again.

"Come down, breakfast is ready". His body bumps into mine making me take a step back to catch myself from falling. The door closes with a slam and I am left by myself with my thoughts still banging at my head.

But not only that, but my thought of how he smells so good in the morning.

I walk down a wide length and marble floored staircase, as I grip the railing for dear life, my eyes start to lose vision and I start to get dizzy. I take in another deep breath before stepping on the last step of the stairway.

A young delicate lady, with jet black hair and a wrist scarily small, led me to the kitchen. She had to be about 5'5, she was fairly skinny and her jaw line was what every women wanted.

She was very gorgeous despite her size. Do they not feed the maids here?

"We're here ma'am, the King asks of you to be seated at the end of the table". The King? Since when was he King and when was I going to know about this?

Disrupted out of my thoughts, I do as I am told and sit at the far end of the table.

Blythe follows my every move with his eyes waiting for me to make a mistake. I sit up straight and look at him with authority vailed over my face. Though inside, I was feeling very awkward and uncomfortable. But you should fake it until you make it.

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