Ludicrous Thoughts (18+)

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Light shines through the see-through white curtains. Beaming down upon Blythe and I. I lay comfortably under Blythe, but I can't tell you how I got into this position. I just know I don't want to get out of it.

Blythe shared a heated moment with me for the first time. Sure, he was intoxicated, but it felt all too real to be true. The way he held me and the way he kissed me, but the way he opened up to me like it was nothing was the best part of all. Though I know he won't remember anything from last night, I still remember every last bit, and I won't let it go.

The man sleeping next to me slurs and moves around. I rest my head back and rest my eyes. Thers no reason to get up after all.

"What..time?". The sleepy man says, he sits up moving me with him. He looks down at me as I look up at him. He almost smiles before furrowing his eyebrows. My expression quickly changes to concern as Blythe holds a side of his head in pain.

"You have a headache; I don't know if you remember- ".

"I remember... I know everything about last night". My eyes widen and I quickly sit up looking at him in the face.

So, he knows that he did? The pants the shirt the talk...the kiss?

"Do you regret it?" I ask. It takes him a while to answer back, truthfully. It seemed as if he was fighting with himself to answer me.

"No". He said wuthering a blank expression. I scoff in disbelief taking my eyes off of him. He said no... I look back at him to see if his face is still the same. He has a tiny smirk playing on his face.

"Are you serious?".

"If I kiss you again, will you believe me?".

That kicked me off. I stare at him in disbelief. Why did he say it so freely? Why is he acting like this? I thought by now the alcohol would wear off by now.

He leans in leaving me no answer and kisses me ever so passionately. His hands skip up towards my face and caresses it softly and carefully as if he might break it.

I let him do what he will with me as he comes on top of me, and I sink further down into the comfy mattress. He slips his tongue in ever so carefully like a humble guest. He leaves me room to breathe but I felt like I couldn't, it felt too good.

I didn't realize his hands had sneaked their way down to my white night gown strap.

He stopped kissing me for a while and looked at me in my eyes, I couldn't even process words but he could tell what I wanted at this very moment. One side of my gown slipped off leaving my shoulders and everything below halfway or fully exposed. He did the sane with the other side, kissing my shoulder.

My legs wrapped around his body; I could tell he liked that as it encourages him to go on. I'm a panting mess as he makes me feel good all over. I feel tingles in places I thought I never could feel.

I gasp as the sudden feel of soft lips kiss my neck make me want to melt even more. I've never felt this way, and I might get addicted. I never have kissed anyone before until Blythe. That's what making this moment better. Other than him giving lust filled kisses on my soft neck. I want him to keep going because it feels so good.

This is what it feels like to be addicted, I think.

Only gasp and subtle moans, kisses, heavy breathing can be heard from this room if you come close enough. Blythe goes all the way down to my stomach, trailing kisses down further, the feeling is too good to explain. Other than I want more of it. My gasp turned into subtle moans while my subtle moans transitioned into loud moans.

"Blythe, keep going please" I moan aloud.

I can't help by the way he makes me feel. He chuckles and tugs at my panty line. This is it. I'm losing my virginity. This is when we take things to the next level, and I don't know if I'm ready for it. My mouth in an ' O ' shaped calling put Blythe's names like he is lost. He does the same but each time he does he gets louder, and louder and louder

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑹𝑶𝒀𝑨𝑳(18)Where stories live. Discover now