The Cabin

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The ride to the log cabin wasn't long, but it wasn't short either. Once we get settled in, I have to still plan the wedding invitations, and the money plan.

I also don't know if it will be a kingdom celebration either. Will his kingdom be conjoined with mine?- gosh, just thinking of this is giving me a migraine.

What are we supposed to do there anyways? I feel like if I talk to him, I'm going to get shut down immediately.

The carriage halts to a stop and we get out, our assistants carry our bags for us. I wait outside the door as Blythe fishes for the key in his pocket. When he unlocks the door I'm greeted with warm toasty air in the cabin. It's not huge but it's big enough for both of us.

Coverd in wood tiles and wood walls, there's a milk shade couch that had red blankets on it with festival decorations. To my right there is a very old style kitchen, I go to the cabinets but there's nothing in them, which makes me wonder, how long were going to be here?.

I follow my assistant to my room where they set my bags down carefully, they bow there head and leave before I even had the chance to say thank you.

I go over to the normal sized proportioned window. I have a perfect view from here, I see the autumn trees with the brown and red and orange festive colors. Autumn has always been my favorite season as some people can tell if they've known me long enough.

Speaking of that, I wonder what Blythe is up to, this is a good time as any to get to know him. I walk out my room and start opening doors to see if he may appear in one of them. As I open one of the doors, I see an office with papers spread all over the place. As I was bound to step into it, before I was shoved to a wall forcefully.

I hiss in pain as the sting traveled up the small of my back. I'm met with ferocious silver eyes. I cower back into the wall, if that was even possible, it's as if he stares at me forever with his heated glare.

"Don't ever, and I mean ever, go into that room". Well that's not suspicious at all.

"But now I really want to go in-". I'm cut off as he glares harder at me, enough to turn my head slightly to not look at him. He moves going back into his room, unchaining me from his huge arms.

I look at him as he walks back into his room I'm supposing. I look back at the door I was forbidden to go into. I definitely do not want to re-live what happened, I'll leave it alone....for now.

I walk down the hallway way into the kitchen, I check more cabinets and find a hot coco packets in one cabinet. I decided to make two as a apology to Blythe for.....getting on his nerves? I don't know what's up with that man.

I boil some hot water since we don't have milk, and pore in the contents. I wait till I think it's done, and find a mug cabinet, taking two white mugs, I poor the liquid in both of the cups. I take mine and sit on the couch. I take the blanket and wrap it around me.

With the smell of hot coco and the steam hitting my face is truly the best feeling. I blow on the coco before taking a sip of it, it's not bad but it would better with milk.

I hear a door bust open so I assume it is Blythe since our assistants left us alone with bodyguards outside the Cabin.

"What is that smell?". I he mumbles out, maybe more to himself then to me. More importantly, how do you smell coco?

"You made coco?".

"Yes". He scoffs and pores his cup  down the sink setting the cup beside the sink. How dare he?! He didn't have to drain it, I would've happily drunken that.


"I hate Hot Chocolate". I would've known that if I could get to know you more.

"Get up, were going to the castle again. You need to pick out your dress and do the guest list". He walks out the front door leaving me mad and upset. I sigh and grunt flipping off my warm blanket and setting my mug  on the glass coffee table and head out the door.

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