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I put on my eye brown contacts, to hide my natural queer eye color. The eyes that have haunted me my entire life, since I was a child I was always bullied and teased about having an eye color so rare it may not be true if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes. It's my first day of high school and I want to make a good first expression, so this is what I have to do.

After putting on a band T-shirt and leggings.
I exit my bedroom, I walk out the door trying to avoid the glass shattered on the floor, I'll clean it up when I get home I say to myself.

I run out the door just when the bus was about to leave I quickly climb on.

my nerves were trying to get the best of me but I pushed them down the drain. 15 years of an abusive mother will teach you that.

The high school is huge almost like a college and the people surrounding the entrance had tattoos and piercings covering there bodies or were making out, or smoking...ect it looked like the high school in the 200' movies that you see on TV except in this school everyone looked like teenage dirtbags.

I adjusted my overly used backpack and tried to avoid the crowds as much as possible and pushed my way through to the entrance of the school I took a deep breath before walking in.

As soon as I did the bell rang. Shoot im late I scanned the paper in my hand to see what classes I had first. Apparently English.

The class was full of chatter, teenagers throwing papers planes around and more making out. I say and try to look around for a seat and then I take one at the back of the class. I hope I didn't take anyone's seat or something. Then from the corner of my eye J notice someone specifically a boy he didnt have any tattoos or piercings, he was just sitting there doodling on his notebook his curly brown hair fell over his eyes but you can see a glimps of hazel in them. A teenage dirtbag school with only one none teenage dirtbag.. or two. He turns and looks at me

"Hey" he says and I get pretty surprised he noticed md and I instantly smile back.

"Hi" I respond feeling a bit awkward.

"You new here?" he asked while I was scanning the classroom.

I turn my attention back to him and nod.

"Welcome to britnam high" he smiles "you're gonna have a blast" and I can tell he's being sarcastic. After all this high school is ont he shittiest side of town.


"Mum, I'm home" I say as soon as I enter the house.

I spent most of the school day finding out that almost all my classes were with James and hes actually a really nice person we spent the day talking and getting to know each other. Turns out he's a sophomore that moved not far from my house a couple weaks ago and we parted with the promise I would come to his house and he'd teach me to sketch because I told him it was always something I wanted to learn.

"Finally here, hurry up and clean up this mess" she muttered and barely walked to her room. I quickly dropped my bag on the couch picked up the broom and started to work.

When the cleaning was finally done and the house looked decent. I called on to my mother that I was done and she walked out of her room her frown never leaving her face.

"Come, were going somewhere" she says.

"Really?" I respond, my moms been acting really wierd lately and I could notice when something is off?

"Yes now hurry up before I change my damn mind" she snaps and I quickly oblige.

I climb into my mother's car. It wasn't the best. Old and rusted, and she got the money by sleeping with guys. But I never complained because I was taught not to.

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