Kaleesi and Reece

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I came home early last night I didnt know why, but i didnt want her to know. But he deserves it.

When I woke up this morning I opened my eyes slowly with a smile expecting to see kaleesi's sleeping face but there was not, I shot up sitting up strait on the bed.

Where is she?

After washing my face and getting dressed when I was walking down the long hallway I heard a fit of laughter coming from downstairs I knew both voices too well.

Kaleesi and Reece.


I felt my some sort of emotion build up in my chest, anger?, jealousy? Whatever it was it made me want to come down there and interrupt them.

I made my way down the stairs and to the kitchen where I heard the sound of their voices.

"Stop it" she said with a laugh shoving the cookie away from her face.

"One more cookie and I'll leave you alone"

"I'm not hungry- hey Callum" she said as soon as she spotted me at the door glaring at them.

"Someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed" Reece muttered his mouth full of the cookie he was chewing on.

"What is this" I said pointing at the two of them giving them acussing looks "and why weren't you in bed this morning when I woke up"

"You looked so sleepy when I woke up I didnt want to wake you plus aren't you suppost to wake up a little earlier" she responded.

I knew coming home at 4 am would effect my sleeping schedule. Whatever.

"are we leaving for work or not" Reece interrupted.

The car ride was quiet and I was still angry. Morning like these cause me to be grumpy throughout the entire day.

When we finally got to the base we exited the car and scanned our palms before entering.

"Morning boss" one of the guards said "youre prisoner has woke up"

"Did you do what I asked you to?" I questioned and he nodded "good"

"I'll meet you in the training room" I said turning to kaleesi and Reece thinking twice before leaving her alone with him again but I decided against not trusting them.

She nodded, her eyebrows knotted.

I strolled down the hallways scanning my hand every five minutes until I got to the cells where we keep all of our prisoners.

My guard opened the cell door with a key and the door creaked open the sound of the creaking echoed down the empty hall.

He lifts his head up slightly and the blood on his disgusting face is has dryed onto his skin.

"Alright I've had my fun dont worry today I'll do you a favor and end this misery for you" I said taking a blade my guard has handed me.

"You know, you're not getting anything out of this plus once they find out you killed someone from your mafia they'll look down on you" he replied a smug smile on his ugly face.

"I'm the mafia king" I said cutting through his bare skin as he screamed in pain "i can do whatever i want" I cut in deeper on his arm "to whoever I want" he screamed in pain as I left a trail of cuts down his arm.

"This one is for kaleesi" I said dragging the tip of the blade across his throat.

"Tell her someone did survived" he choked "someone she knows too well" and with that Zeke died.

What did he mean by that, tell her? Tell who? Wait a second. He was probably talking about kaleesi who else would he be talking about. He was telling me to tell her someone did survive but what does he mean. Maybe kaleesi knows all about this.

I cleaned my hand with a handkerchief before tossing it on the floor "get rid of his body and clean up" I ordered "yes boss"

And made my way to the training room

"You have to make sure your eye is only focused on one place and one place only" I heard kaleesi's voice instruct "then pull the trigger"

I made it around the corner and pushed the big doors open, the room was a little crowded as usual either trainees, or some of the people that work for me, teachers or recruits.

I spotted Kaleesi teaching Reece how to shoot. Hes basically drooling over her at this point but she was too busy instructing to notice. Its not that I dont trust my brother it's that hes too flirty and reckless and the sight of them makes me jealous to the core.

"Hey teach, this guys been training since he was five pretty sure he know how to pull a trigger" I say as I walk up to them.

Kaleesi turned to look at me before saying "I know, I'm just teaching him how to make a perfect shot, you know, not everybody's good at that" she smirks making me want to kiss that smirk off her face.

"Anyways I need to talk to you about something, in private" I say and her smirk slowly fade and her expression turns into a curious one.

"What's wrong cant trust big bro" Reece says almost pouting sometimes I question which one of us is older.

"Personal matters" I say before dragging kaleesi by the arm.

"Relax I can walk on my own" she chuckles but I dont say anything.

"Someone's in a grumpy mood" she mutters. I dont like how my mood always affects her happy one by I cant help with all the feelings rushing up to my chest. the jealousy I feel.

I stop walking and she does too blinking a few times before turning to face me.

"What's wrong" she says walking up to me a frown plastered on her face.

"Nothing" I say and continue to walk she quickly catches up to me and pushes me against the steel wall I'll be honest I let her because I wanted to let this out one way or another she pins me to the wall and tries to look intimidation but I'm taller and bigger and older and.. well you get it.

"Answer me" she hisses, I grin at her and she gives me the answer me look.

I sigh before answering.

I stare right into her violet eyes "I'm jealous" I manage to say.

"Of what" she asks in disbelief.

"Of you... and... Reece" what am I five? no mafia boss gets pinned on the wall by his girlfriend forced to talk then admits hes jealous. "Callum-" I switch our position swiftly with a spin so that I'm the one pining her and she looks up at me. Always those innocent eyes.

"I've been waiting to do this all day" I say as I crash my lips into hers.

Ok so maybe my update schedule sucks but if you're an author you'd know this: we get so carried on with our own lives we forget about the character's which is very rude of us may I add. But I'm doing my best especially with school going on.


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