The Ball

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Kaleesi is beautiful and fierce. But why did my father choose her for me I'll never understand. A year ago my father sent me on a mission to look for a mysterious girl rumored to have the queerest eyes in the universe. He said that I deserved the best and that's all I'll get.

But when I saw her for the first time she was at a bar waiting outside when a small kid was crossing the streat she flew straight to him and pushed him just in time before he could get injured instead she broke her leg, I remeber someone calling an ambulance to take her but her mother came outside looking nothing but furious. I wondered if you have a daughter like that, how could you be so heartless, she looked drunk anyway. But since that day I told my father I didn't want her. That she was too good for me. I killed people for a living. She saved a child. Not that I wouldn't. She just seemed too kind I told him I didn't deserve her if anything. But I was too young to have any control over the situation so he brought her here and made her cold and ruthless. Seeing her now I felt like it was all my fault. But I'll make it up to her. I'll make her live the life that was taken away from her.

"I told you I dont want to go to the ball, everyone will start talking about me and saying, oooh look girl with purple eyes and blond hair. I dont want that, does it look like I want that." She goes on and on about how much she hates the extra attention out of people.

"You're going whether you like it or not, princess" says Zeke

"Hey, Since when do you make her do things she doesn't want to do" I snap at him and everyone in the room look at each other except khaleesi who looks down at her feet.

Is there something I dont know about?

"Since she got sold to a mafia" says Matteo with a huge smirk on his face, I want to wipe it off his face with a punch. So that's what I do I punch the smirk off his face.

"Everyone out! e- except you kaleesi" I say and clear my throat as everyone leaves and she stands there awkwardly, I move my index finger signaling for her to come closer. She does.

"Is it true, that you got sold to my father" I ask looking down at her.

She nods. I always wanted to know more about her.

"How old were you?" I ask and hold her chin so that she looks directly to my eyes. "Fifteen" she answers.

My face drops and I suddently feel sad for her. "Come, sit, tell me more about yourself." I say and she begans her tale about how her father left her when she was only 5 and her mother hadn't cared for her since then and on her first day of high school, she was taken by my father and his men. Where she trained to be one of them.

I listened in astonishment and when she finished she wiped a tear that had escaped her face "and I haven't seen my mother since" she says emotionlesly.



I ended up deciding to go to the ball. Because Callum convinced me to.

I have been going to these balls since I joined the mafia so I don't know why I'm so nervouse.

When I entered my room I found a beautiful black silk gown long and its split on the right leg. It was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.

 It was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen

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