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Photo is his bedroom ¥


I've never seen his room before but its so nice and cozy, black themed I look around like a lost puppy. And for a second i forget why I even came here.

"Khalees?" I snap my head around he was standing at his bathroom door leaning on the door with a smirk he was shirtless wearing sweatpants and his hair was wet I suddently feel extremely shy how do I say this? "Anything I can help you with?" He asks

"Yeah, um I'm- I- came to ask for one of your Tshirts" way to go khal, you totally blew it.

He smiles and drags his eyebrows together "did yours not fit?" He asks.

"No I usually wear big ones to sleep- but um I forgot to send out my clothes" I stutter and he laughs. I feel so embarrassed right now.

"Sure, sure" he plays with his tongue in his mouth. I tuck my lips into my mouth, there it is, my nervous expression.

He looks at me through his eyebrows, he drives me crazy when he does that. he finally walks over to his dresser pulls out a drawer with at least a million black plain Tshirts all of mine are white but black will do fine.

"Here" he walks over to me before handing to me when I try to remove it from his hand he holds onto it and pulls me in closer with a light drag. My chest meets his and my breathing increases. "Aren't you gonna thank me?" He says and a smile forms on his face.

"Uh th-thank you" I stutter and he finally releases it I take it but I don't move from my place. I stare as his dark green eyes pour into mine. He tucks a hair behind my ear, his long fingers trace down my jawline. "Beautiful" he whispers. And my cheeks start heating, he licks his lips and looks down at mine, he leans down slowly I freeze.

Then I remeber why I first came here, knowing something could've happened. He's my only ticket out.

I look up at him in total innocents, when his lips meet mine, at first the kiss is soft then when it starts to deepen the slightest bit, I feel my heart race way too much and I feel like my mouth is gonna burn from this intense feeling and all my thoughts start getting messy.

I really hoped this wouldn't happen, I've only kissed two men in my life and this is what happened, it's like everything is wrong with me.

I pull away from the kiss "what's wrong?" He asks, I'm so stupid why am I like this?

"It's just, I'm- I get really nervous and like I feel like my head is spinning" I say and pull my hair back aggressively and he grabs my wrists and brings them to his chest.

"Then we stop" but I don't want to stop, I wish I was normal, like I wish I had normal eyes, I wish I wasn't chubby, I wish I didn't stutter whenever I'm around him.

"But-" I stutter again and he places his hand on my lips.

"It's ok" he informs and I sigh in relief

"Do you want to stay over for the night?" He asks and I look up at him to see if he was being serious, he was.

Should I? I mean it would help.

"Really?" I ask and he nods.

"Um ok but I'll change into this first I say moving the T-shirt from hand to hand.

I come out of the bathroom changed into the big T-shirt and booty shorts, I don't usually wear them to bed but if I'm staying with Callum I need to just incase.

"So Where am I sleeping" I say looking around the room. He pats a place next to him on the bed. I tuck my lips into my mouth.

"I don't bite" he jokes I slowly make my way to the bed next to him. When I lay down my body completely melts into the bed. So comfortable.

I cover my self with the thick comforter and sheet, even more comfortable my head sinks into the soft pillow. And I stare at the ceiling. "It felt like fire" I say refuring to the kiss and I look at him to see his reaction he looks amused and surprised at the same time. I probably shouldn't have said that.

"Just like a hot summer day" I continue, I shouldn't have said that either.

"Yeah it did" he says and looks into my eyes a small smile forms on his face, I place my hand on his face and rub my thumb on his cheek. His dark hair falls aside as he starts to fall asleep.

I watch him as he's asleep peacefully, and I turn away to stare at the sealing again.


I woke up the next morning and she wasn't there in my bed. I frowned when I found my T-shirt neatly folded and on my dresser with a little note that says 'thank you for the T-shirt' I frowned even more.

What the fuck, Didn't invite her to sleep next to me just to leave early in the morning I expected a good morning atleast. I brushed my teeth and put on something casual before making my way to the dining room for breakfast.

There she was sitting on the end on the table where she usually sits as to not have anyone sit directly next to her.

When one of the house keepers brings in the breakfast I notice Khaleesi doesn't eat any bacon or pancakes she takes a bite from her scrambled eggs and drinks her cup of water and sits in silence she doesn't even look at me.

"Khaleesi can I talk to you" I say as I see her trying to escape to her room after lunch.

"Yeah- I mean no" she says and unlocks her bedroom door.

"Stop" I say, desperately trying to find out what's bothering her

"Because it's my birthday aka my first day of high school aka the day my mom sold me, so excuse me if I need some time alone" she blurts without consciousness and quickly slaps both her hands to her mouth covering them before she says anything else.

"You didn't have to hear that" she mutters through her fingers.

I walk away without a word. Her birthday huh?


Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh I think to myself. Maybe he doesn't like me aymore. No no no.

Should I go make up? Maybe tomorrow. I sit in lay in bed all day, flashbacks running threw my head no matter what I did to distract myself.

I took long showers, read books, lighted candles, put on a mask, but everything just kept reminding something I dreaded, I'm all alone in this world. Love doesn't exist.

When I got out of the shower this evening, I came into my room closing the door I dried my hair with a towel as soon as I saw gift boxes on my bed I froze, I wonder who left these here, Callum maybe? He's the only one who know, but why?

The boxes were white with red ribbons there were a few balloons, three boxes and a bouquet of flowers. With a note. I quickly went to read the note.

'Happy birthday, go ahead and open the gifts, Callum'

A wide smile spread across my face when I read this and sat on my bed to open them.

I undid the first ribbon easily eager to find out what's inside the medium sized box. When I removed the cap. There layd an automatic pistol gun. Cool, I never knew it was allowed to own a weapon, when we go on missions I always have to go to the weapon room for weapons, never owned my own, except for a few knifes.

Time for gift box two. It was a little bigger than the first one. I quickly opened it and what I saw made my heart almost jump out of my chest with mixed of happiness, shock, and admiration. There layed a sleeping cat, on a basket black and looks around six months old not too big or too small.

I look at it tears almost roll out of my eyes as it wakes up and looks at me.

I picked it up to check its gender, a girl. I smile in content and start to think of a name. When I put it down it walks around like a runway model, sassy huh?

"Chanel, I'll name you Chanel" I say to her, she continues to glance at me when I open the third I gasp. Why won't he get me something casual so I dont get a heart attack everytime I see what's inside.

I thought I'd do a lil cliff hanger so next chapter is what he got her in the third box with another note.


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