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My head was spinning as I packed the big boxes of clothes and belongings.

"Need some help?" Zeke questions from the door, I just scoffed and turned away from him, I've always hated Zeke, I call him the man whore, because hes always got his hands all over me.

"C'mon I'm trying to say goodbye-ish and you're not making it any easier" he says and I turn back to him.

"I don't want you around is that so hard to understand" I say and he grabs my wrist aggressively. Looking into my eyes as I struggled to get away.

"Listen you might be moving out with your prince charming but dont start acting like a bitch about it" he seethed and just then someone grabbed him from the back, shoving him against the wall, he grabbed his throat squeezing it tightly, till he struggled to breath.

"I'm-sorry-boss" he choked and Callum didnt release him he kept on holding onto his neck. Lifting him from the floor against the wall.

"No one touches my girl and gets away with it" Callum said furiously throwing him on the floor.


"If he wasn't in my Mafia I would've killed him right that second" Callum says as were on our way to our new home.

"And I would've killed him long before that" I mumble. He takes my hand our fingers intertwine hes telling me hes sorry about everything that's happened to me.

After a short while we arrive at the new place, its guarded with big silver gate. We strolled down the passage and Callum grabbed a pair of keys unlocking the gate I analyzed the place as we threw the gates. It was a big house almost like a castle. Callum pulled out another pair of keys to unlock the entrance door I took a deep breath before walking in and taking in the large room at the entrance it was empty but fancy it could work as a ballroom. I smiled at the little details of Chanddelier crystals thin candle holders placed to the wall, the fancy wallpaper that covered the walls and the big staircases that led upstairs, there were two stair cases leading upstairs both twisted facing the same direction.

"Glad you like it" Callum snaps me out of my thoughts.

"I dont like it" I said and his face looked confused for a second "I love it" I laughed and he joined me.

"You should've seen your face" I said between the laughs.

"Come on let me show you upstairs" he says calming down leading up the long staircase. Upstairs was full of long hallways of rooms, the all had white wooden doors with gold material. Callum went all out for this one. Perks of owning the world's biggest mafia I guess.

"Wow" I breath walking into one of the bedrooms Callum behind me, I looked around the room with amazement. It was a very large room themed like the rest of the house, with white gold and a natural touch to it, with a king sized bed at the center rested against the wall with nightstands on each side.

"This will be our room" he says proudly. I look back to him with a grateful smile.

"You did this for me?" I ask my eyes started getting glossy as I wrapped one arm around his neck and placed my hand on the side of his face.

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