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I wake up in a strange bed. I open my eyes and feel a heavy armed snaked around my waist. I turn my body in his arm to face sleeping Callum, so peaceful and handsome.

We didn't do anything last night but we did kiss alot and his kisses would occasionally lower till they were between on my thighs he asked for permission but I panicked. Again he said it was okay that I wanted to take things slow. I haven't told him why though. I feel like if he knew he would kill Zeke.

I brush my fingers in his hair, and trace his jawline with my index finger. I hear him chuckle softly, he's awake?

"You're adorable" he mutters sleepily. I smile at him as he opens his eyes the sunlight that reflected into the room made his dark green eyes look brighter than ever.

We stay there staring into each other's eyes in a peaceful silence.

"You know we're gathering with the British today?" He asks and I nod.

"If they try to make any move against us-" he starts and I cut him off "we won't hesitate to fight back, I get it" i say turning my gaze away from him.

"I just dont want you to worry about it" he says I turn my gaze back to him when he slips his hand under my shirt causing goosebumps on my skin, he runs his fingers on my back. I sigh in relaxation.

"I'm not worrying about it" I lie "its gonna be ok" he reassures me. I nod and he continues to rub my back.

"We should get up" I say.

"Yeah, we should"


We both laugh.

"We're so lazy!" I laugh getting up.



"Here let me fix it for you" she says as lifts her small hands to my suit tie. As we were getting ready I pretend I struggled with my tie just so she can fix it for me.

I stare admiringly at her focused eyes, for a moment I didnt pay any attention to what she was doing, I just gazed at her beautiful face. I'm the luckiest fucking guy on earth.

"Done" she says proudly and I look into the mirror, wow not bad.

"I still cant believe you, you're a business man and you still dont know how to fold your suit tie" she says in disbelief. Busted.

"I do know how to do it" I lean down "i just wanted you to do it for me" I whisper into her ear. When I lift my head away I can see her blush. Adorable.

"Now that we're both ready let's head out" she says and places one more ring on her index finger. She stares at her fingers proudly. Although they're small fingers, she managed to manicure them and place a ring on almost each of them.

"You look beautiful" I say softly looking down at her. She was wearing a wine red mini dress fit for dinner. She looked stunning.

"Thank you" she smiles.



I really hope this dinner goes well so that I dont have to turn against my people.

When we arrived at our destination it was a big house, more like a mansion we were greeted at the door by a woman dressed in a buisness skirt and top. She led us to a backyard decorated with yellow lights there was a long table in the middle. Where were having dinner. We all took a seat at the table. I've never been forced to in any other mission. The dinner was a peace offering. But that can go one of two ways. Success or failure

"Mr. Devargo we're glad you made it" said the women. "I see you brought company" she finishes looking at me.

"Yes, this is khaleesi" he says no more than that, I reach my hand to shake hers "I'm Malisa" she says with a smile.

A women walks up to us in metal containers, places them on the table, and removes the lids. British dishes! Looks delicious. Two men join us for dinner a moment later, I find myself in a table with people discussing boring business.

I rest my chin on the palm of my hand while taking small bites of my food.

"I need to use the rest room" I say getting up "ofcourse, Martha will show you to the bathroom" she says refuring to the maid that brought the food in earlier.

I nod my head and follow Martha's lead to the restroom. When I'm finished doing my buisness, I stared at the mirror ahead of me. I pull some red lipgloss from my purse and fix my hair when I notice something. It's too quiet.

I exit he restroom I hear one man shout. Then gunshots. Oh no no no no no this is not happening. Wait I can't panic right now! I decide its safe to stay inside. Wait.. Callum! I rush towards the backyard where the two men are shooting at Callum who takes cover behind the now flipped table.

I aim for the first guy as soon as I pull the trigger hes down on the floor.

I run into the house for cover as I notice the other man shooting my direction. I run up the long staircase. I flung into one of the rooms to take cover there, and quickly point my gun as soon as I see someone standing there a tall women. For a second I dont recognize her.

"Khaleesi it's me" she pleads "your mother" she says.

But how could I not remeber those eyes those disgusting hands that used to hurt me, its only been four years but decades of wrinkles were formed on her face.

"You're part of this mafia" I ask my voice almost breaking. My hand was shaking while I still pointed the gun at her.

"Yeah, yeah ofcourse I am, we can be in it together now, just put the gun down" she says walking towards me and I shake my head a tear falling down my left cheek. "We can start a new life together, you dont have to stay there anymore"


I wipe the tear off my face and my expression is emotionless again.

"You're an alcoholic you never cared for me you betrayed me when I was fifteen you sold me for like an animal, you couldn't care less if I survived" I say coldly, this is it.

"And you were not a mother"

All those times I enjoyed torturing those people fantasizing one day I'll do it to her.

"Goodbye mother." Her face falls and pales, I pull the trigger of my gun and in a second my mother falls to the ground.

"Khaleesi" Callum rushes in his expression is full of relief as soon as he sees me. I turn to him and can't help but break into tears.

He holds me in his arms not daring to ask what happened, to my relief, I don't want to talk about it now. Here.

"Come on let's get you home"


I didnt tell Callum I purposely missed the shot at her chest. She could still die but it's not guaranteed if someone was fast enough to remove it by the next 24 hours she might still survive.

Part of me hopes she doesn't and the other is just the 14 year old girl who loved her mom more than anything even though she was a drunk alcoholic 24/7

"You okay" he asks and I nod "yeah I just want to get some rest" I say softly and he lifts the covers up to cover my body and plants a kiss on my cheek.

He was walking out the door of my bedroom "no wait" I say and he stops and turns around "stay with me" I whisper and he smiles softly before turning off the lights and removing his shoes, he makes his way and lays next to me on the bed I instantly feel the warmth of his body as he raps one arm around me.

And I realised something, if I make Callum fall in love with me he'll probably never let me go.

But why does that not scare me?


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