bad memories

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My mother chased me around the small house. I know she was drunk because she reeked of alcohol.

"You can't hide from me khali" she hissed. "I'm gonna find you"

I hid behind the sofa in terror as I heard her stumble into the small living room.

"Found you!" She exclaimed as she moved the sofa. Revealing my small five year old body.

"You rat!" She grabbed my arm aggressively. Digging her long filthy finger nails into my skin.

"Mummy please, you're hurting me" I cry.

"Khaleesi" she said but my mother never called me khaleesi.

"Khaleesi" she repeated.

I jolted up from my nightmare, sweating and gasping for air.

I looked at what was beside me, my vision was blurry and hard to read and felt something on my skin I instantly moved my hand looking around in fear.

"Its ok, it's ok I got you" I felt my body dragged into somebody else's.


"But- but she-" I felt his hand hold the back of my head.

"Shh, its ok" I felt slightly relaxed because my breathing was less hitched and my heart wasn't pounding out of my chest.

After a few moments sitting cuddled in Callums chest. I felt completely relieved. And ready to talk.

"Do you remember what you saw?" He asks.

"Not really, only that it was my mother" I replied.

"Ok" he sighed tucking me in bed and he layed besides me, holding me as if someone was trying to come and take me.

"I'm not going anywhere" I assured him.

I stared at the clock hanging on the wall from the moonlight coming from the balcony.

Its 1 am still a little early for a nightmare dont you think khal?

"I wish I can kill the demons in your sleep" he uttered softly.

I smiled and drifted back to sleep.

I woke up it was still dark.

What is wrong with me.

Everything, khal, everything.

I glanced over to the clock.

4 am.


I sat up only to be squeezed by Callum's strong arm. He holds onto me tight even when he's asleep?

I slowly removed his arm from my waist as to not wake him. I slipped his sweater over my head because it was getting a little cold.

And made my way to the balcony, I stared out to the big gateway and then up at the stars.

Our house seemed like it was in the middle of the galaxy because it was so big and the stars seemed so up close.

As I was admiring the beautiful sight in front of me my mind drifted back to my old life.


My mother.

My old boss.

They were all the people that caused the most pain in my life.

I never told Callum because I know if I did he would do something really stupid.

I can't lose him right now because hes all I have.

And even if he wasn't I still can't see my life without him.

I really really like him.

Just then I felt a pair of arms rap around my waist from behind and Callum's chin rested on my shoulder.

We both stared out in a peaceful silence.

"Cant sleep?" He asked.

"Yeah" I nodded.

He planted a warm kiss on my neck. I gave in to his touch as it would always sooth me.

"What are you thinking about" he asks softly his voice is husky but it's a very peaceful sound.


"What else" he says and I can tell he knows theres more to it.

"My past life" I sigh.

His grip tightens around me. I know he wants to protect me.

"I wish I can erase all your bad memories" he mumbles.

I turn my head to face him. I watch as his eyes twinkled in the moonlight.

"Tell me everything" he says. I hesitate, but I need to let it out somehow.

"Before I tell you anything promise you won't go on a killing spree" I say fighting a laugh that threatened to escape my mouth from my joke.

"I'm not making any promises"

I sigh before gathering my confidence to finally speak up.

"My old boss he used to beat me" I say feeling numb.

Callum lifts his chin from my shoulder and clenched it.

"What else" he asks angrily. He knows theres nothing he can do now, his father is gone anyway.

"Zeke-" I stop as a tear escapes my eye, but my expression remained cold.

"What? What'd he do to you" he says stepping in front of me. I look up at him before finishing.

"He'd touch me and when I try to get away, he threatens to kill me"

"How long has this been going on for" he asks trying to calm his pase he was now griping the end of the balcony looking down.

"Two years since I got there" I whimpered and he instantly comes to comfort me.

"Khalees-" he holds me in his arms as tears flood down my face but I still keep my expression emotionless.

"I'm gonna kill him, I dont care if hes in my Mafia, I'll kill him. I'll bury him alive" he says. And I dont even bother to stop him. Zeke deserves whatever hes getting.

"You'll never get hurt again, I won't let it happen"

I cant tell which is better, His words or his hand rubbing my stomach gently, giving me butterflies.

I think both.

After I feel completely relaxed we lay back in bed I snuggle up to him laying my head on his chest.

"What about you" I say lifting my head so I could look through his eyes "did anything ever happen to you"

"Well, I was never the one to be mistreated" he pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear "people dont see me the way you do khalees, the call me monster, devil, all kinds of names"

"But you're so nice" I smile

"Only to you khaleesi"

Hey sorry for updating so late, I was on a lil break.

Anyway I'm back please vote and leave a nice comment thank you!

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