○● C H A P T E R 21 ●○

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Hey before you read this chapter I just wanted to say tysm for all the recognition all this book has been getting, it's really motivating me.
Enjoy <3

As I stood silently, there the only one thing running through my head. "I swear I know him."
I quickly moved to the side, not allowing myself to be seen. His face, although I didn't know where from, was recognisable. He began to walk past me, and I thought I was done for, but he didn't notice me. I take a deep breath in and wait a few minutes before continuing.

Fuck, I shouldn't have taken so much. This was going to end badly. I put my shades over my sensitive eyes and got outside. Xzaiver's driver was there, I went back in and looked in one of the storage rooms, finally getting hold of a gun.

I walked up to the car and got in, holding the gun to the guy's head as I commanded him to drive.

He complied in utter fear. What type of men has he got employed, men who tremble at the sight of a gun? Pathetic. Eventually he got there, he could have drove a little faster, but I suppose this would have had to do until I got home.

I stepped out of the car and the rain began to pour, drenching me whole. I forgot an umbrella so I guess there wasn't anything I could do. My men probably knew I was at Xzaiver's and were glad I was gone.

I knew none of them really respected me, after all I was a young woman with supposed "no experience" to be able to run a mafia. Normally men became leaders once their fathers died of old age, they would be around 29 then there's me, years younger than expected.

I let the water mix with my tears, as I watched my father's grave from afar, with my regret and guilt swallowing me whole, I could have saved him that night and I should have. At the age of 5 I had the ability to kill a man, yet all I did was stand there and watch, I didn't even let a tear drop. As a result, I now stand barely a few meters away from my papa's grave, the very outcome of my stupidity, not even knowing where my heads at.

I turned away and looked back towards the car to find it gone. Of course, I shouldn't have expected him to wait. Next time I'll need to remember to gut him out and drive myself. I didn't give myself a chance to turn around and glance at my father's grave once more, perhaps because I still didn't have the heart to accept his death. Instead, I began to aimlessly walk away.

In hopes to get away from everything and everyone. But that wish didn't last long as eventually, one of Xzaiver's men pulled up, his name Dante, if I recall, stepped out and grabbed me by the wrist and forcefully pushed me in the car.

He seemed like one of the nice guys but I suppose I was mistaken. "You know how much trouble you've caused by coming out? I was meant to be guarding you and somehow you just disappeared from my sight." He shouted, then I looked at him for a second really wondering if he was just thick or thought way too highly of himself. "You do know who I am right?

You can't just keep me captive in a room and expect me to comply, I have my own life and signing that document doesn't mean I've signed it away."

I said at the end and then began coughing in pain. Xzaiver's black BMW pulled up on the side and from the window he said, "Yes it does Amaya, signing that document may have been the worst decision of your life. We are now merged, and I suggest you deal with it and accept it sooner rather than later. Reality's gonna hit you hard in the face and when it does, all hell will break loose."

I closed my eyes not even listening to his words, they were making my head to hurt. I put my head up again on the seat and then felt for the gun I had tucked in my pocket.

Xzaiver wasn't going to shut his mouth unless forced to, so I got the gun and aimed it at his arm, letting the bullet go straight through it.

He winced in pain but didn't even let out a sound. I was surprised but mostly impressed. Did this man have no pain tolerance? He looked at my dead in the eyes and I swear I saw fire burning within them.

He pulled out his gun and aimed at my hand holding the gun. I dropped the gun down - but not quick enough - as the bullet to grazed against my palm and have tears pricked in my eyes from sheer shock.

Not only my shoulder, but also my hand was now a bloodied mess.

What's next, my leg?

It seemed that question was answered soon enough when he got the gun and aimed it at my thigh, however I slid back and pushed myself into the backseat letting the bullet rip through the leather seat.

All while this was happening, Dante just sat there staring in shock.

What was his problem? Why did the think that I was incapable of doing anything?

He was beggining to get on my nerves, so I lunged forward and grabbed the gun, aiming at his hand sat on the steering wheel and shot. He yelped in pain, giving me enough time to slide out of the car. I began to walk away and shouted,

"I'll make my own way back." Then my wrist was grabbed and Xzaiver held a fierce hold on it. I turned around and said,

"Let. Go. Of. Me."

But he didn't comply. Instead he dragged me all the way back to his car and threw me onto the passenger seat.

Without warning he began to drive at a alarming speed, but I didn't bother to say anything, because soon enough I drifted into my own world, leaving my two wounds uncared for and left to bleed out.

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