Chapter One: Collaboration

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Ugh! I swear, I don't know what's gotten into me. I just can't stop thinking about that annoying brunette Tori Vega. I never think this much about anyone, and I never have, not even Beck. I wrote a song a few months ago, but I haven't had a reason to practice it before. Now there's a music event coming up here at Hollywood Arts, and it's the perfect chance to finally sing the song. I head to Mr. Sikowitz's classroom, where I find him hanging halfway out of the window. "Uh... Mr. Sikowitz?" I ask, and he jumps, nearly falling out of the window. "Jade, I wasn't expecting you here. What can I do for you?" He asks, pulling himself back into the room. "I was wondering if I could practice a song that I wrote in here for a bit," I reply. "Of course you can. Just ignore me, I'm looking for something that I accidentally dropped a few days ago," he says. "Um... Okay?" I reply, unsure what else to say. "Perfect! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to keep searching," he says, going back to hanging halfway out of the window. I start practicing my song, focusing on getting the rhythm just right. Once I've done that, I continue practicing, ignoring Sikowitz's strange muttering. As I finish singing the song for the third time, I hear someone clapping, so I look around. When my eyes find her, I feel my heart skip a beat. What the chiz is happening to me?! I ask myself.

"What are you doing here, Vega?" I ask harshly. "I just came to talk to Sikowitz, but I got distracted by your song," she replies, and I inwardly scoff. "Why? Trying to get some sort of idea for the song you're going to do for the music event?" I ask. "No! I found it... interesting and kind of sweet, in a strange way," she replies, and for the first time in my life, I'm rendered speechless. No one has thought of me as being sweet in a long time. It's not me anymore, and it never will be again. Will it? Somehow, I get the feeling that Vega will end up changing me, make me want to be a better person. Yeah, right, like that'll ever happen. Or will it? Ugh, why am I questioning everything about myself right now?! One of the things that I hate most about Vega is that she always seems to see the best in everyone. And yet, I also find it attractive at the same time. Why?! I don't feel like arguing or anything, so I just sit down next to Vega for some reason. "Jade, I really liked your song. I couldn't imagine stealing it from you," she says. I know she wouldn't steal the song from me. She's not that kind of person. Still, she's never told me that she likes one of my songs before. Everything is so confusing right now, and it's giving me a headache. I rest my head in the palm of my right hand and close my eyes. "Jade, are you okay?" Vega asks. "I've got a headache. Everything is really confusing me right now," I reply. "Oh. I've got some Excedrin, if you want it," she says.

Why is she offering me something to help with my headache? Normally she does what everyone else does when I have a headache, and that's avoid me, because I get really cranky when I have a headache. "Yeah, that sounds nice," I reply, and she gives me an Excedrin to help with my headache. "Are you sure that you're alright, Jade? You're acting different," she says. "No, I'm not alright. I just broke up with Beck, but I already can't take my mind off of someone else," I say. "Really? Who is it?" She asks. "I'd rather not say, Vega," I reply. "I understand. I can't take my mind off of someone, either," she says. "Wow. Listen, I -" I start to say, but I'm interrupted by Sikowitz climbing back into the room. "I found it! It was just sitting in the grass right in front of my nose. Thank Ghandi I managed to find it," he says. Oh, I should probably mention, Sikowitz is a real nutball, but then you've probably already figured that out. "What were you saying, Jade?" Vega asks, and I remember that I was about to say something to her. "Oh. I was just wondering if you'd like to write a song with me for the music event," I say. "Are you actually asking me that? Like, you're not trying to trick me or something?" She asks. "I'm serious, Vega. We can perform it as a duet. Whaddya say, you in?" I ask. "Sure. Do you want to work on it at my house or yours?" She asks. "Yours. My little brother constantly annoys me, so I think that it would be pretty hard to work with him around," I say. "Okay. Does after school today work for you to come over so we can get started?" Vega asks me. "Sure. I'll be there," I say.

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