Chapter Six: Sleepover Part 2

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I wake up the next morning to find rain pouring down on Jade and I, and we're both soaked to the bone, so it's probably been raining for a while already. Jade's so pretty when she's asleep, though, and I really don't want to wake her up, but I also don't want her to catch a cold, either. "Jaade," I say in a lilting voice. "Mmm... Five more minutes," she says, rolling over so that she has her back to me. Unfortunately for her, when she does so, her right elbow ends up in a puddle of water, making her jump awake instantly. "Why didn't you mention that it was raining?!" She asks in annoyance. "Sorry. I don't know when it started raining, but it was while we were sleeping," I say, just as a clap of thunder rolls through our ears, and Jade is now on her feet. "C'mon, help me get this blanket back inside! I don't wanna be caught outside in a thunderstorm!" She hollers at me, and I grab one end of the blanket, and we carry it into the house together. "Now, I'm gonna take a shower and put on some dry clothes. Back in a few," she says, giving me a kiss before heading off to take her shower. It's at this point that I notice the bruises on my arms and legs. Did it end up hailing last night? I ask myself, just as I hear Jade shout something that I can't understand.

"Tori, something tells me that it hailed last night. Look at my arms and legs," Jade says when she comes back after her shower. She shows me her arms and legs to reveal the bruises on her skin. "Wow. I have bruises on my arms and legs, too. I think you're right, I think that it did hail last night," I say. "Okay. Well, you can take a shower whenever you want," she replies. I nod and get a fresh, dry set of clothes, and I take a shower. When I'm finished, I join Jade in the kitchen and notice that she's humming the same thing over and over. ""Got a song stuck in your head?" I ask. "You could say that. It's just this one part of a song, though. I'm actually thinking... maybe you wanna write some lyrics for it?" She asks. "I'm game. How about we start after breakfast?" I suggest. "Sounds good," she replies. We each make our breakfast, and I have a ton of words floating around in my head that could go really well with Jade's beat. The beat is based on rock music, but that fact doesn't hinder my thoughts at all.


After breakfast, Tori and I start working on writing some words to go with my beat. It came to me when I was in the shower, and it's a beat that has more elements of rock music than anything. "So, what've you got so far, baby?" I ask Tori. "Well, I was thinking that the lyrics could start with, 'I'd been lost for a long time then.' What do you think?" She asks. "Hmm... I like it," I say, then an idea comes to me. "I just thought of something. What if we write this song about our relationship?" I suggest. "Ooh, yeah! And the next line could go like, 'Even though I knew it was wrong, I loved you from the start.'" She says. "Perfect. So, I think that it would make the most sense if I sing the first line, then you sing the second, and we'll alternate through the verses, kind of like we did with "What Can I Say?", you know?" I ask. "Yeah, that makes sense to me," Tori replies. We spend most of the morning writing the song, which Tori named "We Can Change The World Together (You & Me)". As it turns out, it's a pretty honest story of our relationship, and I couldn't be happier about how it ended up. After lunch, we decide to start practicing it, and I was eager to hear it for the first time.

Jade singing
Tori singing
Both singing

I'd been lost for a long time then
Even though I knew it was wrong, I loved you from the start
Just goes to show, love ain't always what you think
We started out pretty rough, but then we realized

You and I, together we can change the world
This is just the beginning of a brand new era
They're gonna see things they've never seen before
Because you and I, together we can change the world

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