Chapter Fourteen: Recovery and a Gender Reveal Party

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When we get to the hospital and find Robbie's room, we each get a chair and sit down with him. "Hey Robbie, how are you feeling?" I ask softly. "Well, I've definitely been better," he replies, making me laugh. "How's the baby?" He asks. "It's fine," I say. "Neat," he replies. "I feel really bad about what happened to you. Take as much time as you need to heal, OK?" I ask. "But the movie has to be done by the time you go on maternity leave, right? Wasn't that the deadline?" He asks. "I don't care. I just want you to be able to heal properly," I say. "I know, but -" he starts to protest. "No buts. Take however long you need. If I have to get someone else to fill in for me on the movie while I'm on maternity leave, then I will," I say. He nods, and as Tori and I leave, he gives us a wave.

A few days later, I'm laying on the couch, reading a book, when Tori comes in. "Hey babe. Whatcha reading?" She asks. "Just a murder mystery novel. It's really making my mind work. I keep finding things that relate to other things that I didn't think had any meaning at first," I say. "That's cool. You're so cute, babe," she says. "Thank you, baby girl. You're so sweet," I say. Tori sits down next to me and rests her hand on my baby bump, making me smile. I put my hand next to hers and form half of a heart with my fingers. Tori makes the other half of the heart and connects hers to mine. I start giggling, and she smiles at me. "This is amazing. I can't believe that we're gonna be moms in a few months. I already love this little one so much," Tori says, and my heart melts as I start to cry happy tears. "Oh, please don't cry, babe. You're gonna make me cry," Tori says. "I'm not sad, baby girl. I'm happy. These are happy tears. I can just see our little family already. I love you, and I love our baby too," I say. "Me too, babe," Tori replies.

After breakfast, Tori announces that she's taking me somewhere special. "It's gonna be a wonderful surprise. You're gonna love it, babe," she says as we leave. "I don't doubt that in the slightest, baby girl," I reply with a smile, gently rubbing my baby bump with my right hand. "You look amazing in that dress, babe," she says. "Thanks, baby girl. I knew you'd like it. I think it shows off my growing bump, don't you think?" I ask. "Totally. I love you and our baby so much," she says. I'm wearing the same glimmering dress that I wore when we all went out to dinner, and Tori and André provided entertainment. The dress still smells like Tori a little bit, which is part of why I decided to wear it. We travel for the whole morning, then we stop at a local Culver's restaurant in Santa Barbara for lunch. Afterward, we continue for another hour or two, arriving in San Luis Obispo, where Tori stops at a gorgeous place with a beautiful view of the beach. "Wow. This place is amazing," I say in awe. "Yeah, it sure is," Tori replies. "It's got such a beautiful view of the beach and the Pacific Ocean. I wish that I could stay here forever," I say. "Well, you know what they say, sometimes dreams do come true," Tori says, confusing me. "I don't understand," I say. In response, she hands me a key, which I stare at, still lost. "Try putting it in the lock," she whispers in my ear. I nod and walk up to the door, hesitating before I try the key. I put the key into the lock, turn it, and to my surprise, I hear a soft click as the door unlocks. I realize what Tori was telling me a few minutes ago, and I start crying happily. I run to her and pull her into a tight hug, and I thank her over and over again.

After two weeks, Tori and I have moved into our new home in San Luis Obispo, and I couldn't be more relieved. I'm relaxing in my chair, reading the same murder mystery book as I was the day that I found out that Tori had bought this house. I suddenly sit up, coming to a sudden realization. "What is it, babe?" Tori asks as she walks into the room. "I just realized... my nineteenth birthday is on December 15th, two days from today... you got this place as a birthday present for me, didn't you?" I ask. "You got me! Happy birthday, babe!" She says, hugging me tightly. "You got us a freaking house for my birthday?" I ask. "Yeah. The album we released two months ago sold out in ten minutes once it was released in stores," she says. "Wow, it's really popular, huh?" I ask. "Try the best-selling new album of all time," Tori says, and I'm speechless. "I can't believe it... we could become more popular than the Beatles," I say once I find my voice. "Yeah, it's a real possibility. I don't care about that right now, though," she replies. "Well, then what do you care about right now?" I ask. "You and our unborn baby," she says, gently putting her hand on my baby bump. I smile at her and put my hand next to hers.

(Fast-forward to early February)


I can't wait for the gender reveal party. Everybody is coming over to celebrate, and the only person who knows what gender the baby is happens to be Sikowitz. When he was planning the party, he kept trying to persuade me to let him include coyotes and a big pile of burning tires, but I refused, as both could present a health risk for Jade and the baby. Jade's relaxing right now, just rubs her nearly five month baby bump with an affectionate smile on her face. She occasionally mumbles things to her bump, which I find sweet. About an hour after Sikowitz arrives to set up the party, Beck and Cat arrive, with Cat looking much more cheerful than usual, which is already unusually cheerful. "Hi Beck, hi Cat! Come in," I say, stepping aside so they can walk in. "We have some news to share with you and Jade, if that's OK," Beck says. "Of course it is. Hey babe, Beck and Cat have some news for us!" I call. "I'll be right there!" She calls back. A few minutes later, Jade walks up next to me, looking like a goddess in her pure white satin dress that reaches the floor and then some. "So, what's the news?" She asks, absentmindedly rubbing her bump. "Beck and I are engaged!" Cat says excitedly. "Congratulations, guys!" I say. "Yeah, congrats!" Jade says, giving Cat a one-armed hug. I smile affectionately at Jade, who returns my smile. She gives me a one-armed hug before sitting back down. I join her in her chair, sitting on her lap. She begins to play with my hair with her free hand, and I lay my head on her shoulder.


Shortly after everyone arrives, I'm standing outside, freezing my tail off, as it's colder than I was expecting. Luckily, Tori brought an extra coat for me to wear. When I try to zip it up, however, I soon find out that I can't zip it up with my bump as big as it is, which isn't very big, for your information. At least it's keeping me and the baby warm, though. Tori had to button it up for me, because my hands were shaking from the cold. "All right, is everybody ready?!" Sikowitz asks loudly, and everyone says that they're ready. "Here we go!" He says, pulling on the rope to fire the glitter cannon he made himself. When nothing happens, he goes to check to see if something's clogging it, and after a brief pause, he gets a face full of pink glitter. "Oh, baby, we're having a baby girl!" I say, jumping up and down excitedly before hugging Tori tightly. She smiles and kisses my bump, just as I feel something moving from inside me. "Babe, I think she just kicked," Tori says. "No way! You felt it, too?!" I ask. "Yeah. Right when I kissed your bump, I felt something like a foot touch my lips. It was weird, but sweet, too," she says.

Ed. Note: Sorry it's shorter than some of the other chapters. I'll try to make the next one longer. As for the subject of the next chapter, well, you'll just have to wait and see! Bye for now!

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