Chapter Thirteen: Unforeseen

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(Fast-forward about three months)


Ever since the disastrous honeymoon in Costa Rica, Tori's been feeling much better. On the other hand, about a week ago, I started waking up with an upset stomach. At first I brushed it off as just a stomach bug, but when it didn't pass after a few days, I started to wonder if it was something else. I scheduled a doctor's appointment for today to try to figure out why I'm sick. After lunch, I still feel miserable, and Tori tells me that I look pale. When it's time to go to my appointment, I get into Tori's car and put my hand on the window and rest my head on it. After checking in and going through the usual stuff with the nurse, Tori and I wait in a room for my doctor. "Hello Jade. How are you doing?" My doctor, Jessie Lovell, asks me. "I've been feeling sick when I wake up in the morning for about a week now, and I don't know why," I explain. "Hmm... have you been experiencing mood swings?" She asks. "Yeah. I'll go from perfectly happy to crying my eyes out for no reason," I say. "Hmm... There are a few tests that I'd like to do if you're alright with it," Dr. Lovell asks me. "Yeah, I'm fine with it. I just want to know what's wrong with me," I say.

After doing the tests on me, Dr. Lovell leaves to wait for the results. I look at Tori and smile nervously. "I'm sure that everything is fine, honey. I'm not worried," she says. I start wringing my hands to try and occupy my mind and distract me. When Dr. Lovell comes back into the room, my anxiety goes through the roof. "Would you like to hear what the tests revealed?" She asks. "Yes, please," I say. "Well, most of the tests came back negative, except for one. Congratulations Jade, you're going to have a baby!" She says. I stare at her in shock. "That's not possible..." I squeak. "It's what the test says. If you'd like, I can give you an ultrasound to find out for sure," she says. "Yeah, I'd like that. I get up onto the exam table and lift my shirt. When she puts the ultrasound gel on my stomach, I shiver, not expecting it to be as cold as it is. Dr. Lovell starts the ultrasound, and when I see what pops up on the monitor, I very nearly faint. What she said is somehow true. I'm pregnant. After the ultrasound, I shakily sit down next to Tori, trying not to look at her. "So, we should schedule a visit in about a month or two, to check that both you and the baby are healthy. Is there a day and time that would work best for you?" Dr. Lovell asks me. "Um..." I begin, looking at the available appointments. "I think that January 21st would work best for me," I say, and Tori clears her throat. "Sorry, January 21st would work best for us," I correct myself. "Okay, and what time?" Dr. Lovell asks. "I think that 2 PM will work for us, right?" I ask Tori. "Yeah, that'll work," she replies, smiling affectionately at me. Dr. Lovell enters the appointment on the computer, and she lets us go home.

When we get home, I practically fall onto the couch, trying very hard not to cry. "Baby, what's wrong?" Tori asks me softly. "I didn't plan on this happening, babe. I know that you're just pretending not to be mad at me for this," I say. "Baby, no. That couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm really happy about this. I don't care if you planned on this happening or not. It's a wonderful surprise," she replies, sitting down next to me and putting her hand on my stomach tenderly. "I'm sorry I said you were mad at me, babe. I just want the best for our baby," I say, putting my hand on my stomach next to hers. "That's what I want, too," Tori replies with a warm smile. I look down at my stomach and smile widely. "Your hair is so silky and smooth, baby. Did you know that?" Tori asks me suddenly. "I didn't. It's normally thick and a bit rough," I say. "Huh. Probably something to do with the pregnancy," she says. "Yeah, probably," I reply. I find myself thinking about baby names already, and I start giggling. "What's so funny?" Tori asks. "I literally just found out that I'm pregnant, and I'm already thinking about baby names," I say, still giggling. "Yeah, I guess that is kinda funny," she says, also starting to giggle. Pretty soon, we're both laughing like hyenas, and we've completely forgotten why we're laughing. I decide to take a shower and put on some nice warm pajamas, then cuddle with Tori while I drink some hot chocolate.


Finding out that Jade's pregnant came as a complete shock to me, but it's a pleasant surprise. Is it a little bit earlier in our marriage than we had planned on? Yes. Do I care? Not one bit, and I'm pretty sure that Jade feels the same. Our baby is precious to us, and we won't let anything happen to it. "I just realized something. How are we gonna tell our friends about the baby?" Jade asks. "Shoot, you're right! I didn't even think of that! Um... maybe André's hosting another party soon," I say. I take out my phone and text André, asking if he plans on having a party sometime soon.

Me: Hey André. Just wondering if you're having a party sometime soon. 😜

He texts me back almost right away.

André: Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?
Me: No reason, just wondering. Thanks. 😁
André: No problem, Tori. Talk to you real soon.

(Fast-forward a few days)


I'm trying not to put my hands on my stomach too much, and it's really hard. I'm at André's party with Tori, and we're going to tell our friends about the baby pretty soon, and it's making me antsy. I just want to tell them and get it over with. "Baby, I just want to tell them now!" I whine. "I know, but it's only gonna be a few minutes before we tell everyone," she replies. I pout and cross my arms across my chest. Tori tries to hug me, but I avoid her. "Come on, babe!" She says. "Don't touch me," I say softly. "Hey, looks like it's time for us to announce that we're having a baby," she says, and I smile at her. We go up in front of the crowd and get their attention. "Hey guys. My wife and I have an announcement to make," Tori says, and everyone looks at us in confusion. "We wanted to tell you all that we're expecting our first child!" I say excitedly. All of our friends come up to congratulate us, and Tori and I dance together for a bit before going home.

I sigh as I lay down next to Tori, giving her a smile. "I love you. I can't wait to meet our baby," she says. "Me neither," I reply, resting my right hand on my stomach. Tori puts her hand on top of mine and smiles widely.

(Fast-forward about one-and-a-half months)


When I look at Jade as of late, I consider how lucky I am to be married to such a wonderful woman. The fact that she's carrying our first child together always puts a smile on my face. Right now, she's making us lunch, and I can't help but watch her. She just looks so beautiful, and her baby bump is so tiny and so cute. "Here you go, baby," she says, handing me a plate of pizza. "Thank you, babe," I reply with a smile. "No problem, baby," she replies. "Did I ever mention how cute your baby bump looks right now?" I ask offhandedly. "Huh? Oh, no. I don't think that you did. Thanks, I was thinking the same thing. It's just so small, it's adorable," she says softly, gently rubbing her baby bump. "Aww, you're adorable right now," I say. "Thanks. You're the sweetest," she says. After lunch, we decide to go shopping for some baby stuff, as well as some clothes for Jade to wear later on in her pregnancy.


"So, um... I was doing some research the other day..." I say nervously. "Okay, and?" Tori asks. "I was thinking that maybe... well, maybe we could have a home birth," I say. "That sounds pretty difficult..." she replies. "It sounds harder than it is. We can get a midwife, and if something goes wrong, we can always go to the hospital," I say. "Okay, you've convinced me," she says, and I cheer softly.

When we get home, we find Beck and Cat waiting for us. "Hey guys. What're you doing here?" I ask. "It's Robbie. He got hurt pretty badly while he was working on set for your movie that you're working on, Jade," Beck says. "Oh, my goodness, is he going to be okay?" I ask, my voice full of concern. "Yeah, he should be back to normal in little while," Beck says. "Can I go see him?" I ask. "Sure, we can all go together," Beck says.

Ed. Note: So... interesting plot twist... I can't think of anything else to say about this chapter. I'm trying to work on this story as I get more ideas for it. If anyone has any suggestions for the story, comment on this chapter and I'll be sure to check it out! Bye for now!

You Don't Know Me 《♡Jori♡》Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя