Chapter Nine: A Web Show, Some Superheroes, and Rex's Crush

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Almost a month has passed since the new students arrived, and they're all pretty cool people to hang out with, even Selena, once we were able to get past our differences. I just found out that there's a few more new students that start today, as well as two new teachers. Unnaturally for me, I'm excited to meet them. When the new students arrive, I greet them inside. One of them, Spencer Shay, seems to be a bit old to be a high school student, but he tells me that he was able to get in after some of his sculptures were seen by someone here at Hollywood Arts, and he was let into the school based on his talent. He came with his younger sister Carly Shay and her friends, Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson. The other group of new students is a bit odd. Their names are Chapa, Mika, Miles, and Bose, and I already think that they're hiding something. After introducing himself, Bose said, "we're superhe-", at which point Mika interrupted by saying, "we're superhyped to be here!", accompanied by a nervous laugh. On top of that, I overheard them talking after introducing themselves, and they called themselves Brainstorm, ShoutOut, AWOL, and Volt. I asked them about it, and they said that those were their nicknames for each other. I notice that Chapa dropped a tube of gumballs, so I pick it up to investigate it. Deciding that I don't want anyone to see me with it, I walk into a nearby bathroom and try one of the gumballs. Next thing I know, I'm surrounded by a bizarre green light, and when it vanishes, I look in a mirror and do a double-take. The outfit I was wearing has been replaced by a red and black superhero suit with one of those eye mask things that they have.

I exit the bathroom and walk right into someone. "Oh, there you are, Chapa. We've got a mission to do, like now," a voice says. "Uh, what did you just call me?" I ask. "Wait. You're not Chapa. But then why do you look like her? Never mind, come with me," he says. "Um... I don't know what's going on right now... am I in trouble?" I ask. "Eehhh, not really... we just gotta wipe your memory," he replies. "Who are you?" I ask. "I'm one of the new teachers, Ray Manchester," he says. "I'm Jade West," I reply. "Well, it's nice to meet you. Unfortunately, you won't remember this conversation in a few minutes," Ray says, bringing me into an empty classroom, where I see Schwoz, Tori's friend, with a strange looking ray gun. Ray has me use another one of the gumballs, and the superhero suit vanishes, to be replaced by my normal outfit. "Okay, this won't hurt a bit," Ray says. "Why do you say that?" I ask, but he doesn't respond. The last thing I see before losing consciousness is a blue light enveloping my body.


I learn from Alicia that Jade's passed out in an empty classroom, and she leads me to the room in question. I walk inside with her and find Jade humming softly and drawing on the whiteboard. "Jade?" I ask, and she doesn't respond. After a few more times of trying this, I end up turning her to face me, finding that she has a blank look in her eyes. "Jade, what happened to you?" I ask. "Jade? Pfft! Who's Jade? That's a pretty funny name," she says, and I start to worry. "Do you know who I am?" I ask. "Why would I? I've never seen you before," she says. I take her to see Schwoz, who says that he wiped her memory after discovering that Chapa has a secret identity, and he might still be able to restore her memory if he can reverse the memory wipe machine. "It'll take me all day, though," he says. "Can I help?" I ask. "Sure," Schwoz replies. Jade's sitting nearby, studying her fingers and giggling to herself. I can tell that she's not herself, and I can feel my heart aching as a result. I distract myself by getting Schwoz the tools he needs to get started. Jade starts playing on her phone, looking at me every now and then and smiling. "Hey, you! Hot girl! What're you doing?!" She suddenly shouts at me, making me jump. "Don't worry about it, just go back to playing on your phone," I reply. She huffs, but goes back to playing on her phone.

By lunchtime, Schwoz and I have made pretty decent progress, and he optimistically tells me that the memory wipe machine should be reversed in about another hour or so. "Mom, I'm hungry!" Jade says, and I stare at her. "That was weird," Schwoz says. "You're telling me," I reply as Jade falls asleep. An hour later,
Schwoz and I finally get the machine reversed. Jade's just staring off into space when we hit her with the ray. "Whoa. I just had the weirdest dream, baby," she says. "You can tell me all about it this weekend, okay babe?" I ask. "Uh... sure," Jade replies. I notice Robbie and Alicia walk past with Maria and Rex. Alicia notices Jade and I, and she runs over to us. "Hey guys. How are you doing?" She asks. "We're doing good. Jade's got her memory back, so that's really nice," I say. "Well, I'm glad everything is back to normal for you guys," she says, and she leaves to go to her next class. "Um, guys, can I talk to you?" Robbie asks us. "Sure. What's up?" I ask. "Well, Rex has a crush on someone, but for some reason, he's scared to admit it," he says. "Who does he have a crush on?" Jade asks. "Maria," Rex answers. "Aww, that's awesome for you, Rex!" I say. "How? I'm too nervous to tell her!" He replies. "Well... I don't really know what to say other than just try to get to know her better," I say.

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