Chapter Five: Sleepover Part 1

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About a week after the music festival, I pull into the parking lot at Hollywood Arts a little bit early, and I find a familiar black car already there. I park my car next to it, then get out and walk over to the front doors, where the owner of the black car stands waiting for me. I walk over to her and give her a kiss. "Morning, babe. You're here early," I say. "Yeah. Just felt like getting up early today," Jade replies. "Do you have any plans for this weekend?" I ask. "Not that I know of. Why, do you want to do something together this weekend?" She asks. "Yeah, I did. Want to have a sleepover this weekend?" I ask, and Jade blinks. "Sure. I'd love to have a sleepover with you. Did you want to do the sleepover at your place or mine?" She asks. "I haven't thought about it, to be honest," I reply. "Well... I happen to know that my little brother is going to be staying with a friend all weekend, and my mom has a business trip she's going on, so why don't we have it at my place?" She asks. "I like the sound of that. Then I won't have to deal with my super annoying sister Trina," I say right away. "For two whole days, baby," Jade says, just as the doors unlock, and we head inside.

"It looks pretty gloomy outside. D'you think it'll rain today?" I ask. "This is California, baby. I don't even remember the last time it rained, it's been that long," Jade replies. "Yeah. Maybe it's just cloudy, babe," I reply. "I think that you mean... Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, baby!" Jade says, and she bursts out laughing. I join her, and we laugh for a bit, then we both hear a rumbling noise. "Oof. I think that talking about Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs just made me really hungry," she says. "As much as I'd like to agree, I don't think that was your stomach, babe," I reply. "Yeah, neither do I. Maybe it was thunder?" She asks, a hint of... is that... fear in her voice? Impossible... my girlfriend, Jade West, scared of thunderstorms? No way. We hear another rumble of thunder, and Jade actually jumps in fright, and I can see more than a hint of fear in her beautiful ocean blue eyes. "Are you alright, babe?" I ask. "Yeah, of course I am. It's just a little bit of thunder," she replies, "why would I be afraid of something like a -" she starts to continue, then she's interrupted by a very loud clap of thunder, and at this, she jumps into my arms. "Okay, I'll admit it, I've been afraid of thunderstorms ever since I was a little girl," she says. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah. It started when I watched the movie Twister for the first time. For the longest time after that, I always associated thunder and lightning with tornadoes. Every time there's a thunderstorm, I start having a hard time sitting still, and I jump every time that there's a clap or a rumble of thunder. Speaking of which, would you mind, um, maybe, uh... putting me down?" She asks, and I put her back down. "Is there anything that I can do to help ease your stress right now, babe?" I ask her. "Well... maybe you could just kinda... rub my back for a little bit? That's what my mom always did when there was a thunderstorm," she says, and I start to rub her back. "I can feel it helping already, baby. This is actually helping me a lot more than it did when my mom would do it," she says with a smile on her face. I continue rubbing her back until she tells me to stop. "Just so you know, baby, I might need you to do that again later in the day, if it's possible," she says. "Don't worry, I'll do anything to make you happy, babe," I say with a smile. "Right back at you, baby. I don't want you to feel unhappy with me, and if you do, I'll do everything in my power to make you feel happy again," she says.


I feel so... comfortable with Tori. I can tell her what's on my mind, and she doesn't judge me for it. It feels amazing to have that in my life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I wouldn't trade her for the world. I feel so lucky to have such a beautiful, loving, caring woman that I can call mine. I feel like it's not even the Earth's gravity that's keeping me on the ground anymore. I feel like it's her. Yes, I know how cheesy that sounds, but it's the truth. And to think that just a few short months ago, I would've laughed at anyone who would say something like that. She's changed my whole life, and when I think about my future, it's not really my future. It's our future. I can practically see the two of us being signed to a major record label, making music together, and I still have time to pursue my dream of becoming a director. I can see a kid with her chocolate brown eyes and my natural brown hair, and a kid with my ocean blues and her beautiful brunette locks. It's a wonderful thing to think about, but all it is right now is a dream. A dream that could very easily come true one day.

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