Chapter Fifteen: A New Addition to the Family

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(Fast-forward to mid-April)


I can't believe how much my sweet little baby Jessica Victoria Vega-West has grown in the past two months or so. Tori and I got the nursery set up last month, and I'm currently sitting in the rocking chair that we have in there. I feel a kick every once in a while, and Jess (yes, I already gave our daughter a nickname) has started kicking a bit harder from time to time. It doesn't really hurt very much when she kicks harder, but it does make some things a little bit more difficult. Tori walks in and kneels beside me, gently placing a hand on my growing bump, smiling affectionately. "How are my two favorite girls doing this morning?" She asks. "I'm pretty good. Jess is doing well, and she's got quite a bit of energy this morning. I've already felt her kick at least four times," I reply, gently rubbing my growing bump, just as Jess kicks once again. "Make that five kicks," I say, and Tori giggles before gently kissing my bump. "You're so amazing, being able to carry our child so calmly. It's like you haven't changed a bit," she says. "Yeah, except for this," I say, gesturing to my bump. "Yeah, except for that," she says, making me chuckle. I get up and head to the basement, where I have Tori's birthday present. I get it out and bring it to the living room, where I place it on the coffee table. She comes into the room and sees the present, smiling widely. "Happy birthday, baby," I say, giving her a kiss. "Aww, thank you so much, babe. You know you didn't have to get me anything, right?" She asks. "Yeah, right. You got me a house, and I don't need to get you anything? I don't think so. Here, open it," I say, handing her the present. She carefully unwraps the box, then opens the box. "What's -? Oh, my beautiful girl! This is so sweet!" She says happily.


I can't believe my eyes. Jade got me a locket with space for three pictures, two of which have pictures in them already. One is of Jade and I at our wedding, and the other is a picture of Jessica from Jade's last ultrasound about a week ago. "I love this so much!" I say, giving Jade a hug. "Don't mention it, baby. It's the best thing I could come up with to get you for your birthday," she replies, giving me a soft kiss. "Well, it's perfect," I say, kissing her bump softly, making her smile. "Just think, baby. There's only a few months to go before we get to meet Jess!" Jade says excitedly. "I know. It's coming up so fast," I reply.

Later in the day, Jade takes me to the spa, and then she reveals the birthday cake she made for me all by herself. "You made this by yourself?" I ask. "Yeah. I made it two days ago, when you were spending some time with Beck and Cat," she replies. "Well, I love it. I hate to destroy such a work of art, but I'm also really eager to see how it tastes," I say. "Hang on, I got an idea," she says, taking out her phone and taking a picture of the cake. "Great idea, babe. Now, let's stop admiring the cake and actually eat it," I say, eliciting a giggle from Jade. "Your giggle is adorable, babe," I say. "Thank you. Here's your piece of cake, baby girl," she replies, handing me a plate with a slice of cake on it. "Thanks babe," I say as I accept the plate. "No problem," she says. We sit down together on the couch and eat our slices of cake, then we watch a movie together.

(Fast-forward to late June)


Oh my goodness, I just want Jess to come already. My bump has gotten even bigger in the past two months, and now I can hardly do anything fun. Tori's been giving me some fun stuff to do that doesn't involve me having to walk around or stand up for too long, so I'm far from bored. Dr. Lovell says that Jess could come at any time now, so both Tori and I are on baby watch. I'm currently playing a game of Monopoly with Tori, and she's pretty much kicking my butt. Just after I take my turn, I feel a familiar pain in my stomach, and I grimace and hold my bump, breathing through the contraction. "When was the last one, babe?" Tori asks. "Maybe thirty minutes ago. Maybe," I reply. "Maybe we should stop the game for now," she says. "No. We can finish the game. I'm nearly bankrupt, so I don't think that it'll take too long," I say. Ten minutes later, my prediction comes true, and Tori wins the game. Ten minutes after that, while Tori's putting the game away, another contraction hits me, making me groan softly. "Another one?" She asks. "Yep," I reply in a strained voice, trying to readjust so I'm a bit more comfortable. "Great, now I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back," I say once the contraction subsides.

"I'm back," I say as I walk back into the room. "Welcome back," Tori replies with a giggle. I start giggling, too, but my giggles soon die in my throat as I come to a sudden realization. "Um... baby girl?" I ask nervously. "Yeah?" Tori asks, her back to me. "I think... I think it's time," I say, and she spins around and rushes over to my side. "OK, uh... shoot, I don't know what to do!" She says. "Maybe call the midwife?" I suggest. "Oh, right! I'll do that. Be back in a flash!" She says, leaving the room so she can call the midwife.


I call the midwife, who answers on the second ring. "Hello?" She asks. "Hey Mal, it's Tori Vega-West. Um... Jade's having the baby," I say. "I'll be right over," Mal replies, hanging up without another word. When she arrives, she heads up to help Jade, with me close behind. I practically fall into the chair in the corner of our bedroom, and I can hardly bring myself to watch Jade in so much pain. I fall asleep at some point, but I have no clue exactly when.

I wake up to the sound of a baby crying, and I look over at Jade. She gives me a warm smile, and I notice that she's holding a bundle of blankets in her arms. "Is that Jess?" I ask sleepily. "Yeah. Do you wanna hold her?" Jade asks. "Sure," I say. She gently holds out the bundle of blankets she's holding, and I take our daughter in my arms, smiling at her. She's fallen asleep, but I can tell that she has my cheekbones. I smile at her small, beautiful face, and I love her so much. "She's so cute!" I exclaim happily. "Yeah, I know, right?" Jade replies with a grin. "You're amazing, babe. Absolutely, positively amazing," I say. "Thank you, baby girl," she replies.

Sorry it took me so long to publish this chapter, but I hope it was worth the wait. Bye for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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