Chapter Four: Music Event Surprise

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I can't believe that the music event, which has been named the "Hollywood Arts Music Festival," is in just three days. Jade's been practicing on her own for a bit lately, and from what André told me the other day, she's working on a surprise for me. Her and I have already practiced our song, "What Can I Say?" for a while, and we both agreed that we don't need to practice it anymore. She comes in and goes over to get some stuff from her locker, so I decide to give her a little surprise. I walk over to her, since I already have my stuff, and I wrap my arms around her waist. "Hey babe," I say, making her jump just a little bit. "Oh! Baby, I didn't see you there!" She says. "Kinda the point, babe," I reply, softly kissing her cheek. "Well, I'm glad you decided to come over here, because now I can do this," she says, and she turns her head to kiss me on the lips. "I could never get tired of your kisses, Jade West," I say when we separate. "And I could never get tired of your kisses, Tori Vega," she replies, kissing me again. "As much as I wanna just stay here forever, we've gotta get going, or we'll be late for Sikowitz," I say, taking her hand and leading her to Sikowitz's class.

"Now, since the music festival is in three days, I thought that instead of a regular lesson, we would instead have a game day," Sikowitz says. "So, what game do you want to play, babe?" I ask Jade. "Anything you want to play, baby," she says in a dreamy voice. "Are you daydreaming?" I ask. "Maaaybe..." she says in a singsong voice. "Well, if you are, it makes you look really cute, babe," I say. "Thanks, baby," she replies, and I suddenly recognize the way that she said maybe... it almost sounded like a song that I wrote but never had the guts to actually perform, but I brush it off as being a mere coincidence.


Oh no! I almost blew the whole thing! I shouldn't have said "maybe" with the singsong voice that I did! I was terrified that Tori would ask me where I heard the song, and then I'd have to explain what happened that one day when we were working on "What Can I Say?"


"I'll be right back, babe. I gotta use the restroom," she says. "Okay, I'll wait here for you!" I reply. As soon as she's gone, I notice something sitting underneath my songbook. "What's this?" I wonder under my breath. It turns out to be a song that Tori wrote. I read through the lyrics really quickly and memorize them, also taking a few pictures with my phone, since there are three pages. I happen to notice something peculiar on the last page, though. Right under the last line of the song, Tori's written, in her beautiful handwriting, 'for the most beautiful girl in my life, ♡Jade West♡." My heart flutters as I read it, but all too soon, I hear her coming back to the room, so I quickly put it back where it was under my songbook before she can see that I read it.

I still wonder when she wrote that song, or when she wrote down what she did on it, but it's touching either way. When school's over for the day, I ask Tori if she wants to come to my place and hang out. "Sure, babe. I'll be there," she says. She walks me to my car, and I get in. "Hey, you forgot something!" I call after her. "Huh? Oh yeah!" She says, rushing back to my car and giving me a kiss. "See you in a few, babe," she says. "Yeah, see you in a few, baby," I reply, and she gets into her car. Once she leaves, I leave to pick up my little brother, Mason, from school. When we get home, I find Tori's car is already in my driveway. Mason asks whose car it is, but I simply tell him, "you'll see." We go up to the door and walk inside. "Oh, hey babe!" Tori says from the kitchen, where I see that she's making me a cup of coffee. "Oh, baby, you didn't have to make me a cup of coffee," I say sweetly. "I know. I wanted to surprise you with it," she says, and I pull her into a brief kiss. "I don't know what I'd do without you, baby" I say. "No. Don't even think about things like that, babe," she replies. "Sorry. I still feel like this is all just a really, really, really good dream, and when I wake up, we're gonna go back to hating each other," I say. "Oh, babe, this isn't a dream. This is all real, and I wouldn't have it any other way," she says, smiling that beautiful Tori Vega smile that I fell in love with. "I have someone for you to meet," I say, gesturing to the couch. "Okay, just a sec..." she says, waiting for my coffee to be done. "Here you go. One cup of Tori Vega's best coffee for the best girl in the world," she says as she hands it to me. "Oh, you're such a sweetheart!" I say through the fit of giggles that have come over me, and we walk to the couch arm-in-arm and sit down together. Just as I put my cup of coffee down on the table next to me, I feel something in my lap, and I look up to see that it's Tori. "Well baby, this is my little brother, Mason," I say, and Tori holds out her hand for Mason to shake. He doesn't take it. "Mason, this is my girlfriend, Tori Vega," I add, and he still doesn't move, which doesn't really surprise me. He hates everyone that I go out with.

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