Chapter Twelve: Honeymoon in Costa Rica, with an Unexpected Hurricane

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After last night, Jade and I nearly sleep in too late, and we barely make it in time for our flight. Once we're on the plane, we drift off to sleep, and when we awake, we're in Costa Rica. "It's so beautiful here," I say. "I agree, baby. It's nothing compared to you, though," Jade replies, making me blush. "Let's go to the hotel," I say, and we make our way to the hotel we're staying at. When we get to the honeymoon suite, our jaws drop. It's an amazing room decorated in a similar fashion to an old Victorian-era home, complete with candle holders for backup lighting in case of a power outage. "I was not expecting this, babe," I say. "That makes two of us," Jade says. I happen to look out of the window and see that the sky to the south of us looks very threatening. "Looks like we might be in for a storm," I say, pointing out the sky to Jade. "Oh, no kidding. That doesn't look good at all, baby. And it happens to be hurricane season, too," she says.

"Darn it! Do you think we should've moved the honeymoon back a bit, until hurricane season was over?" I ask. "Babe, it's not like we can control the weather. Whatever the weather decides to do, we'll figure out ways to enjoy ourselves," she says. "But I really wanted to go swimming with you, and visit the aquarium," I reply.  "Well, I'm sure that there's plenty of other ways we can occupy ourselves during the hurricane," she says, fear starting to creep into her voice. "Shh, it's OK, my love," I say, pulling her into a hug. "Curse my stupid astraphobia and lilapsophobia," she mutters bitterly into my shoulder. "What?" I ask, having no clue what she's talking about. "Astraphobia is the fear of thunder and lightning, and lilapsophobia is the fear of tornadoes and hurricanes," she says. "Oh. I'm here for you, OK? If there's anything I can do to comfort you, please don't hesitate to let me know," I say. "Thank you, Tor. You're the best wife I could ask for," she says, tilting her head to look at me. "You're the most beautiful thing in the world, darling. The fact that you were willing to take a chance on me, even after everything that I did to you, really makes me happy. I know that I've told you that before, but I can never tell you how much I appreciate you doing that for me in my life," she says.


I look out at the coming storm, even though it scares me half to death. I just can't tear my eyes away from it. It's both beautiful and terrifying at the same time, watching the storm slowly approach. "Jade, at the rate this is going, you're gonna give yourself a heart attack or something," Tori says, making me turn to face her. "I'm sorry, babe. It's one of those things where you want to look away, and you know that you should, but you can't take your eyes off it at the same time," I say. "I understand that feeling, honey, but I'd prefer it if you could focus on something else. Like me, for instance," she says. "OK. How about we watch the weather so we can figure out exactly what we're going to be dealing with?" I ask. "That's a good idea. You're not gonna freak out if we do that though, are you?" She asks. "I'll keep my cool. I promise," I reply, and I sit down on the bed with my legs crossed. Tori joins me, holding the TV remote. She turns the TV on and puts the news on. " as you can see, this storm has already reached wind speeds upwards of 90 miles per hour, and it's expected to get stronger before it makes landfall in Costa Rica in two days or so. Residents of Costa Rica, as well as tourists, are advised to stay in their homes or hotels for the duration of the storm," a meteorologist says on the television. "I think the storm is going to hit in less than two days," I say. "I agree. I honestly think that it could be here in a few hours. We should probably get ready for it," Tori says. "How are we supposed to prepare for it?" I ask somewhat skeptically. "Well, we should probably set up some form of protective barrier between us and the window, for one thing. We can use the mattress from the bed, and we can use the nightstands to hold it up by putting them on either side of the mattress, up against the wall around the window. I don't know what to do beyond that," she says.

Once we get everything moved, we both watch as the storm gets closer and closer. The power starts going on and off at random a few hours later, and then it goes out. I get my candle lighter and light the candles in the room so we can still see. "The wind has really picked up," Tori observes. "Yeah. I think you were right about the storm getting here sooner than they said on the weather," I reply, just as a loud clap of thunder rumbles across the sky. "I'm scared, babe," I say. "It's gonna be OK honey. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere," Tori replies, pulling me into a tight hug. Without warning, I hear a loud crack coming from outside. "Uh... what was that?" I ask in fear. "I don't know. It could've been just about anything," she says, just as I see what at first seems to be a large tree branch flying towards the window. As it grows closer, I realize that it's not a branch, but an entire tree. "Get down!" I shout at Tori, and we take cover as the tree crashes through the window, raining shards of glass all around the room. "Are you OK?" I shout to be heard over the howling of the wind. "I think so... Ouch!" Tori replies, and I notice that a rather large shard of glass is stuck in her right leg, just below the knee. "OK, don't move. You've got a pretty big shard of glass in your right leg," I say, just as I notice another shard of glass in her left thigh. "You've also got one in your left thigh. I'm gonna grab some stuff to get the shards out, then I'll try to keep the wounds from getting infected, and then I'll wrap them up to help control the bleeding," I say as I get to work. I use one of my shirts that I brought with me as a makeshift glove, and I have another one to put on the wound once I get the glass out of her thigh.

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