Chapter Two: André's Party

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"Okay, well... the truth is... I'm falling for you. Hard. I don't know why, but I know that it's true," I say, and Jade looks at me like I've lost my mind or something. Then, much to my surprise, she smiles at me, and it's not one of her cruel smiles, either, but rather one that I've never seen before. She looks genuinely happy for once. "Oh, I was so worried that you weren't gonna feel the same way, Vega. I'm falling for you too," she says. Did that seriously just happen? Why would she be falling for me? Now it's my turn to look at her like she's lost her mind. "But... why me? I just don't get it. You've tormented me ever since I came here to Hollywood Arts," I say. "Honestly Vega, do I really need a reason why I fell for you?" She asks. "Um... well, it would be nice," I say. Jade huffs and starts thinking. "Well... I think that you're... that you're beautiful," she says nervously. "Thank you, Jade. I appreciate it," I reply. "To be honest, I think that I fell for you because you don't care what other people think of you. You're just... you," I say. "Are you sure? Because if you think that you know me, you don't know me," she replies. "Yes, I'm sure. I think that we can really do well together. Like we're two halves of a whole. God, that sounded really cheesy," I say, and Jade doesn't laugh. "Well, go ahead and laugh at me," I say. "Oh, Vega. I told you that you don't know me," she says, and I look at her. Then, she takes me completely by surprise when she leans toward me and gives me a quick little peck on the lips. I blush and quickly try to avoid looking at her. Unfortunately, she uses one finger to turn my head to face her. "Aww, you're cute when you blush, baby," she says. Did she seriously just call me... baby?


"Uh... I think that's the first time you've ever called me anything other than 'Vega'," she says. "Well, if I were you, I'd try to get used to that. Me not calling you 'Vega' anymore, I mean," I reply. "Okay... baby," she replies, and I smile. "I could really get used to that," I say. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Uh, you calling me 'baby'," I reply with a smile. "Oh, okay. There's just one tiny problem, though," she says. "And that problem is?" I ask curiously. "We're not... official, if that makes sense. If we start calling each other 'baby', people are gonna start asking if we're a couple, and they probably won't believe us if we say that we're not," she says, and I have to admit, she's got a point. "How about we make this," I say, gesturing to the two of us, "official, then? That way, we get it all done now." Ve - er, Tori, contemplates my offer for a bit. "Okay. I'm good with that," she replies. "Okay. Tori Vega, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. "Yes, Jade, I will be your girlfriend," she replies, and I give her another quick peck on the lips. "Baby, we're girlfriends now, we don't have to just give each other pecks on the lips," she says, pulling me into a kiss. I smile through the whole thing, and when we separate, I find myself wanting to kiss her again.

"When do we tell the others about us?" She asks, just as the others join us. "Tell us about what?" Beck asks. "Yeah, what you talkin' about, Cheekbones?" Rex asks Tori, and instead of laughing at his nickname, I got upset with him. "Don't. Call. Her. That," I say through clenched teeth. "Uh-oh, she is not in a good mood! Hide me, Rob!" Rex says, trying to get Robbie to hide him. "We have some news for you guys," I say. "I love news!" Cat says loudly, in her typical upbeat manner. "Shush, Cat," I say. André leans forward slightly. "So, what's the news?" He asks. I remember that Tori and I are holding hands under the table, so I pull both of our hands up and lay them on the table. "That literally tells us nothing, sweetheart," Rex says, and I respond by growling at him. "I think we're all a little confused as to what this is supposed to mean," André says, and I inconspicuously roll my eyes. "Tori and I are together now," I say. "Huh. Well, love is a pretty complex feeling. I guess opposites really do attract. Ooh, this is kind of like me and Rex!" Robbie says, and Rex shoots him a glare. "Dude. I ain't attracted to you, and that says a lot, getting rejected by your own puppet," he says, and both Tori and I snort. "Congratulations guys!" Cat says excitedly. "Aww, thanks Cat," Tori says. "Since y'all are here, I'm having a party this Saturday. My uncle's not gonna be home, and he said that I can have a party as long as I clean up afterward," André chimes in. "Sounds like fun. I'll be there," Tori says. Everyone else happily says that they'll be there too. "Ahem," Tori says, looking at me. "I don't do parties," I say. "Aww, come on. I'm gonna be there, baby," she says, giving me puppy-dog eyes. "Fine, I'll go," I say, and she cheers.

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