Chapter Three: Camping With Sikowitz

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(Fast-forward two months or so)

I can't believe that Tori and I have been together for two months already. It feels like it's only been like two weeks to me. Today, we're all going camping with Sikowitz, which should be interesting, to say the least. Tori's picking me up in her car, because mine is in the shop getting repaired because apparently, some jerk thought it would be funny if they beat it up with golf clubs, kinda like how Tori and I did one time to Festus' car to give the producers of a show called The Wood some drama. We had no idea that it was Festus' car until it was too late. Anyway, Tori pulls into my driveway to pick me up, so I get into her car, giving her a quick kiss before we leave for the campsite Sikowitz chose. "You know, I find it odd that Sikowitz is taking all of us camping," Tori says. "Well, since when does anything that Sikowitz does ever make sense?" I ask. "Now that you mention it, almost nothing he does makes sense," Tori replies, and we laugh about it for a little while. "So, have you ever been camping, baby?" She asks me. "A few times with my dad when I was younger. You?" I reply. "No. Well, unless you count the time that Cat and I lost our way when we were coming back from that trip to the Walk of Fame," she says. "Oh, so that's what happened to you two that day," I say. "Yeah. She can be really annoying when she's nervous, because she talks non-stop," she says, and I laugh, then take a sip of my coffee. "By the way, thanks for the coffee, babe. Did you make it yourself?" I ask. "Yeah, I did. I take it you like it?" She asks. "No, I don't like it, babe. I love it," I reply, and she grins.

When we arrive at the campsite, we find that only Sikowitz is there, and I inwardly groan. It gets really weird when you're practically alone with Sikowitz, 'cause he'll start randomly talking about some strange thing that happened to him at some point in his life. When Tori and I get out of the car, I hold her right hand with my left hand, and I have my coffee in my right hand. "Ah, hello girls! You're a little early, but please, make yourselves at home, pick a tent! I'll just be here, trying to start this campfire the old-fashioned way," Sikowitz says when he sees us. I immediately see a tent that would be perfect for Tori and I, and I point it out to her. "Ooh! Yeah, let's pick that tent!" She says eagerly, and I smile as I walk over to the tent with her right behind me.

"Do you think we should help Sikowitz with the fire?" She asks, and I pout. "But we only just sat down! And what if someone else comes while we're helping him and takes our tent?" I ask. "How about one of us helps Sikowitz, and the other stays here," she suggests. "That sounds like a much better plan, babe," I say, kissing the tip of her nose before getting up. "Where are you going?" Tori asks. "Where do you think I'm going? I'm gonna help Sikowitz, unless you have a candle lighter?" I reply, and she shakes her head no. "I didn't think so. Don't worry, I'll be right back, I promise," I say, walking over to Sikowitz. "Oh, hello Jade. What are you doing over here?" He asks when I sit next to him. "I'm helping you light the fire," I say, taking my candle lighter out of my purse. Hey, you never know when you're going to need a candle lighter. I have to click the thing a few times, but it eventually works, and I light the campfire. "Thank you, Jade. I appreciate your help," Sikowitz says. "Any time, Sikowitz," I reply with a smile before I walk back to Tori, who looks very sleepy. "Aww, are you tired, babe?" I ask, and she nods. "It's not even 10 AM! I think I know just what you need," I say, taking a coffee from my purse and handing it to her. "Are you sure you want me to drink this? It is your coffee, and we both know what happens when you don't have your coffee," she says sleepily. "I'm certain. Now drink up. It's not gonna get any warmer," I say. She takes a drink of the coffee, and her eyes widen. "Did you make this yourself?" She asks. "Yeah. I'm used to making my own coffee. It's not that I don't like other coffee, I just like it better when I make it myself. Well, I used to think that, anyway. You make coffee way better than I do," I say. "No, I think you're better at making coffee, baby," she replies. "To each their own," I say, and I grab my coffee. "To us," I say, raising my cup. "To us," Tori says, also raising her cup. We tap them together, and we take a sip. She looks at me and smiles fondly, and I return her smile.

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