Chapter Seven: Secrets, a Music Video, Sikowitz, and a Coconut

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At Hollywood Arts the day after Jade and I found the comments about our relationship, we plan to confront Sinjin about what happened, since he's the most likely person to have done it. The only problem with that plan? Sinjin isn't at school today. Jade comes over to my locker to talk, but a familiar redhead stops her. "Leave Tori alone, Jade. I saw you admit that you're just -" Cat starts to say, but Jade interrupts her. "That wasn't me. Someone hacked both my account and Beck's on The Slap, and Tori and I think that it's Sinjin," she says. "Oh. I guess I should've realized that. Beck would never accuse you of using Tori. But if Sinjin did hack both accounts, he must have been doing it because someone told him to. Remember the last time he messed with The Slap?" Cat replies. "Yeah. He was told to mess with someone's followers, and it started a war to see who could get the most followers. And that someone was none other than -" Jade begins, "- my sister Trina," I finish for her. "Exactly. Sinjin's basically her pet, doing what she tells him to. But what does Trina have against my relationship with Tori?" Jade asks. "Maybe she's jealous that we're stealing the spotlight from her. All anyone's talking about these days is how the two former enemies have become a couple," I suggest. "Hmm... and she does like to be the center of attention... okay, I think we have our new target. Sinjin isn't here today, and he's only doing what my girlfriend's annoying older sister - No offense, baby -  tells him to. Therefore, the culprit behind the hacked accounts is Trina Vega," Jade says. "My thoughts exactly. And no offense taken," I reply.

Jade and I decide to confront my older sister after school in the parking lot, and we both know what she'll try to do as soon as she knows that we're onto her: she'll run away. But she won't get very far. Our plan is to have me walk up to her and start a conversation with her, then gently try to steer the conversation to the issue of Beck and Jade's Slap accounts being hacked. If she tries to run, Jade will block her path. Sounds simple in theory, but it's anything but. Luckily for her, though, she ends up gloating about the whole thing to some friends at lunch, loud enough for Jade and I to hear. "Hey Trina," I say with false sweetness. "Oh, hey Tori. Did you break up with your girlfriend yet? You know, the one who's using you to advance her own career?" Trina asks. "No. And FYI, we heard everything that you just said to your friends," I say. "Pfft. So? What're you gonna do about it?" Trina asks, but I catch her voice rise an octave, like it usually does when she's nervous. "I'll give you a choice. Either you delete the comments you posted on The Slap related to my relationship with Jade, or we'll tell everyone that you basically order poor Sinjin around like he's beneath you," I say. "Because he is beneath me!" Trina shoots back. "Well, now I know how you really think of me," a familiar voice says from behind Trina, who turns around to find Sinjin standing there. "Oh, I uh -" she tries to explain, but he stops her. "Look, I'm used to people making fun of my hobbies, because even I'll admit, they're all pretty strange, but you told me that you thought I was totally worth talking to. You tricked me into thinking that you were my friend, when all you were doing was taking advantage of my talents for your own gain," he says, pushing his glasses up further on his nose before walking away. "Fine, I'll delete the comments," Trina says with a huff, and she storms off to join her friends. "Well, there's that problem solved," I say. "Yeah. That was pretty impressive, standing up to your sister like that," Jade replies, making me blush. "Aw, you're such a sweetheart, babe!" I say, kissing her softly.


After school, I notice Sikowitz walking around like he's lost something. "I'll meet you at your place in a bit, beautiful," I say, kissing Tori good-bye for now. "Okay. But don't be too late!" Tori replies. "I'll be there in a few minutes, promise," I say. She nods and heads to her car, while I walk over to Sikowitz. "Hey Sikowitz. Did you lose something?" I ask kindly. "Hmm? Oh, no. I was just thinking about the time that I drank expired coconut milk and it gave me hallucinations," he says. He is one strange man. "I'll get you a coconut on my way to school tomorrow if I can, okay?" I ask. "Oh, you don't have to do that," he says. "I know. I want to do it, though. I know how much you like coconuts," I say. "Well, thank you, Jade," he says. I bid him farewell and get into my car to go to Tori's to work on our music video.

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