Chapter 28

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"Rebekah." Rider whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before gently resting his hand on her cheek, stroking it with his thumb. Rebekah hums lightly and shifts in her sleep but doesn't wake up. "Baby, wake up." Rebekah groans and slowly opens her eyes. Rider smiles at her before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers softly, making Rebekah's scowl turn to a small smile. 

"G'morning." She slurs tiredly, making Rider smile. 

"Good morning, beautiful." Rebekah blushes and turns her head slightly, pressing a kiss to his palm. 

"What time is it?" She asks, rubbing her eyes. 

"10:30." Rebekah sits up quickly. 

"Why'd you let me sleep so long?" She asks. 

"Because that's the most you've slept in months. You needed the rest." He tells her as she uses her magic to move her prosthetic from across the room to her hand. She quickly puts it on and stands up, quickly getting dressed before walking to the door. "Rebekah." She stops in the doorway and turns around. 


"Happy birthday." Rebekah smiles and walks back to him, kissing him deeply before leaving the room and walking into the kitchen of the small house they were in in Scotland. 

"Morning." She greets her brother, Natasha, and Sam. 

"Happy birthday, Bekah." Steve says with a smile, approaching his sister and placing a kiss to the top of her head. 

"Thanks, Stevie." She smiles before sitting at the table next to Sam. "So what's the plan for the day? Any missions? Tell me I get to take out a few criminals today." Steve shakes his head. 

"Nope. No robberies, no rogue assassins, nothing illegal." Sam tells her. 

"Son of a bitch." She mutters. 

"I didn't know we were wishing bad things on innocent people now." Rider says, walking up behind Rebekah's chair and placing his hands on her shoulders. 

"Ha ha." She says sarcastically, tilting her head back to look up at him. "That's not what I meant." 

"I know." He says, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips. 

"PDA makes people very uncomfortable." Natasha states monotonously, not looking up from her book. 

"Yes it does." Steve agrees. Rebekah rolls her eyes. 

"It was barely even a kiss." She says. "So if we don't have a mission, what are we doing all day?" 

"I am taking you out to the village and we're going to spend the day going into whatever stores you want and doing anything you want." Rider tells her. "And when we get back here, we're going to have some cake to celebrate." 

"Where'd you get a cake from?" Rebekah asks. 

"Steve's gonna make it." Sam tells her. Rebekah's brow shoots up and she points behind her. 

"That Steve?" She questions, getting a cry of offense from the super-soldier. "I'm sorry. Do you remember the last time you tried to bake something?" 

"That was one time! I've gotten better." 

"If he messes it up, it's Sam's job to get a new one." Natasha informs the girl. Steve looks between the four at the table in offense before shaking his head and turning back to the dishes in the sink. 

"Be careful. Stay away from the cameras." Steve reminds the two teenagers as they walk to the door an hour later. Rebekah gives him a thumbs up before closing the door behind her and taking Rider's hand. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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