Chapter 13

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I wake up at 1:30 covered in sweat and see that my blankets are singed. Knowing I won't be able to go back to sleep, I get up and put some workout clothes on before going to the gym. I do a few workouts before moving to the punching bag. I catch three bags on fire before 2:00. 

Deciding that was enough, I go to the next floor; the shooting range. I grab a bow and a quiver of arrows before choosing a target. I start out with the basic round target and shoot at it for a while. I then select a human-shaped target that has miniature targets on the most lethal spots. I fire an arrow and hit the target in the chest, where the heart should be. I shoot again, this time hitting the spot where a person's eye would be. 

Satisfied with my archery skills, I move on to throwing knives. I grab a handful of silver knives and throw them at the target, hitting a kill zone each time. I then decide to move on to guns, thankful the room is soundproof. I choose a standard .22 magnum and load the magazine before going back to the range. I empty the magazine before I look to see where I hit the target. I approach the target to see my success and see that I shot all the bullets in a cluster around the target's chest. 

Seeing that I was good with weapons, I decide to start practicing using my powers. I remove the knives and arrows and dig out the bullets before backing up a little bit and aiming my hands at the target. Not really knowing how to trigger my power on demand, I channel all my anger and am pleased to see my hands begin to glow. I then smile when I see bright flames shooting from my hands toward the target. 

After a minute, I take a deep breath to calm down and look at the damage I did. I was surprised to see that the once white target had been charred to a black color. A mixture of scared and shocked at the level and intensity of my power, I let out a laugh.

"Oh my God." I mumble. I then begin to wonder if I have any other powers and how I could trigger them. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the door open or anyone walk in until I heard a small voice behind me.

"Bekah?" It said. I whip around and see my little sister standing there with fear in her eyes.

"Mckenzie!" I say in shock, taking a step towards her, which made her scurry backwards in fear. I felt my heart break at the realization that she was afraid of me. Not the monsters under her bed, not the dark, not heights. Me. 

"Mckenzie, it's okay. You don't have to be afraid of me." I tell her, putting my hands up and taking slow steps toward her, trying not to scare her anymore. She lets out an ear piercing scream and runs back to the elevator. I stay where I am, not wanting to make the situation worse.

I walk over to the windows on the other side of the room and lean against them, sliding down them until I hit the floor. I then pull my knees up to my chest and rest my chin on them. I sit like that for hours, just staring out the window and hoping Mckenzie will think it was all just a dream. I didn't even know what time it was until JARVIS got my attention.

"Miss Rogers, Agents Romanoff and Barton are requesting your presence on Agent Romanoff's floor." He said. I sigh and force myself up off the floor.

"Tell them I'm on my way please JARVIS." I reply. I walk to the elevator and press the button for Natasha's floor. 

When I exit the elevator, I see Clint and Nat sitting in the living room area of Nat's floor. They stop whatever conversation they were having and look up when I walk in. I sit down on the couch across from the chairs they were sitting in.

"What's up?" I ask, trying my best to act natural. They look at each other briefly before Natasha sighs, turning to me.

"We were in the kitchen this morning when we started looking over the security footage from last night like we always do before everyone else wakes up. It looked fine until we started watching the footage from the gym. We were shocked to see you up there at 1:30 in the morning punching the crap out of a punching bag. We were impressed at your strength until we saw you burn three bags in a row with no problem." She says. I shrug before responding.

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