Chapter 11

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I hear hushed voices around me but I can't make out who they belonged to or what they are saying. I try speaking, but nothing comes out. I try opening my eyes but it's like they're stapled shut. I can't move my arms or legs no matter how hard I try. After several attempts, I start panicking slightly. 

When I finally calm down, I try opening my eyes again. After several more failed attempts, I force them open and inhale deeply to get the oxygen I needed. I then hear several pairs of feet come towards me and see multiple people standing around me. Panicking, I sit up quickly and look around at the room before looking at myself. It was then that I notice I have a needle taped to my arm.

Not recognizing where I am, I rip the needle out of my arm and grab the closest thing I could, which happened to be some kind of scalpel. I point it at the people around me warning them to get back.

"Get away from me!" I yell. "Stay the hell away from me or I will kill you!" A tall blonde man steps forward slowly with his hands in the air, causing me to turn and point the scalpel at him. "I said stay away!"

"It's me. It's Steve. Your older brother." He says. I lower the weapon slightly before coming to my senses and aiming it at him again.

"No you're not. You're a HYDRA agent who's trying to trick me. My brother doesn't know where I am." I say quickly. He takes another step forward.

"No it's not. It's really Steve." He said.

"Prove it. Tell me something only he and I would know." I challenge. He thinks for a moment before smiling.

"Okay. The first night we were back at the apartment after I was injured I showed you Bucky's file. And when you saw his picture, you looked at me and said, 'why couldn't I have been alive when you two were young? You're friend is hot!'" He says. I think for a moment before the memory comes rushing back at me.

I enter the kitchen to fix a snack after putting my sisters to bed. When I walk in, I see Steve sitting at the table looking at something. I grab a cup and poured myself some apple juice before sitting beside him.

"What's that?" I ask him. He looks up and smiles slightly.

"Bucky's folder. Natasha was able to get her hands on it. Sam and I are going to look for him." He answers.

"I'll help." I said. Steve gives me his protective older brother look and is about to argue but before he can, I speak. "Come on. I have nothing better to do and I want to help. Besides, I'm an Avenger now too. I can handle it."  Reluctantly, Steve agrees and opens the folder. The first thing I see was a picture of a man with short brown hair in a military uniform.

"That's Bucky before he was frozen and had his memory wiped. That's the Bucky that was my best friend." Steve said, pointing to the picture.

"Wow. Why couldn't I have been alive when you two were young? You're friend is hot!" I exclaim, earning me a shove from Steve.

"Steve?" I ask when the memory finished. He nods and rushes toward me. I drop the scalpel and throw my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I mumble into his shoulder as tears begin to escape my eyes.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He says, pulling away. I then look around the room and see the whole team there. They each give me hugs and tell me how happy they were that I was back.

"So how do you feel kid?" Clint asks once everyone had settled down.

"Strange." I say. "I mean, I feel fine. Just different. Like something's changed. I don't really know how to explain it."

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