Chapter 14

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"Sir, there's a fire on Miss Rogers' floor." Tony hears his A.I. tell him, waking him up. He jumps up when he registers what he had just been told. 

"Have you told the others?" He asks as he pulls on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"Yes, sir. They're on their way now." JARVIS tells him. Tony nods and goes to the elevator, going directly to Rebekah's floor, not knowing what to expect when he gets there. He looks down the hall to see the rest of the team, except Steve, standing there, looking like they just got there as well. 

"What's going on?" Tony asks as he reaches them. 

"There's a huge fire in there. We don't know how to get in. It's blocking the door." Natasha tells him. 

"How'd it start?" Tony asks. 

"We don't know." Bruce says. Just then, Steve rushes to them, looking panicked. 

"What are you doing just standing there?" He asks, trying to get to the door. 

"Rogers, we can't get in. The fire's blocking the door." Tony tells his friend. Steve shakes his head and goes to the door anyway. 

"I'm going in anyway." He says. 

"That's suicide." Natasha tells him. 

"I have to. That's my family." He says, ramming his shoulder against the door, effectively busting it open. 

He stares in horror at the flames rising from the floor and reaching the ceiling. He then sees the figure laying on the ground in the middle of the room, seeming to be untouched by the flames. He rushes in, ignoring his team's protests. He runs to the figure, seeing that it's Rebekah. He sees that she's still asleep so he kneels down, shaking her. 

"Bekah! Wake up!" He yells. Her green eyes open and she looks around in a panic. 

Rebekah POV

I wake up to someone calling my name. I see Steve standing above me and look around, panicking as I see the flames filling the room. I stand up and try to get to my sisters to get them out but I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, picking me up and pulling me out of the room. 

"No! Steve put me down!" I say, trying to get out of his grasp. "They're still in there! I need to get them out!" We reach the hallway and Steve turns around so I wasn't facing the door. He closes the door just as I turn around and try to go back in. "Move Steve. They're still in there. I need to get them out." He doesn't budge and I stare at him. "They're going to die, Steve! Let me go back in!" 

"Bekah, listen to me." He says, gripping my shoulders. It's then that I notice the tears falling from his eyes. "They're already gone. I'm sorry." I shake my head and back away from him, fighting my own tears. 

"No. They're not gone. They can't be. The fire just started." I say in denial. 

"That fire's been burning for almost an hour." Steve tells me. "They're gone."

"This is all my fault." I say, tears falling from my eyes. I drop to my knees, feeling like they're about to give out. "I did this. I killed my sisters."

"It wasn't your fault." Steve said, kneeling in front of me. 

"Yes it was. I had a nightmare. I shouldn't have even stayed in there." I say. 

"You couldn't help it." My brother tells me. "It wasn't your fault." Suddenly, my sadness turns to anger and I get up looking at my team. 

"You're right." I say, walking away.

"Where are you going?" Steve calls after me.

"To make good on a promise." I say, walking to the elevator, grabbing a gun I kept hidden behind the cushions on the back of the couch in the small living room. I hit the button for the floor my father was being held on. 

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