Chapter 5

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The next morning I wake up on the couch with a blanket pulled up to my chin. I stand up from the couch and walk into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. I quickly eat before going to my sisters' room and checking one them. I smile when I see that they're still asleep. I then walk into my room and change into some work out clothes then go to the gym to do my daily work out.

When I finish two hours later, I go back to my room to shower and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I then check on my sisters again to see Mckenzie's bed empty and Morgan sitting up in her crib smiling at me. I smile and pick the baby up before changing her diaper and putting fresh clothes on her. I then go back to the kitchen to see if my sister was there but find it empty. I fix a bottle for Morgan before I start looking for Mckenzie.

After looking in the living room and anywhere else she might have have gone, I give up and ask JARVIS where she is.

"Mckenzie is in the lab with Mr Stark." He tells me after taking a moment to locate her.

"Thank you JARVIS." I tell the AI.

I then go to the elevator and press the button for the floor with the labs. I walk through the glass doors of one to see Tony messing with a suit and Mckenzie sitting on a chair beside him with a juice box. I walk up behind her and give her a kiss on the head before turning my attention to Tony.

"What are you doing?" I ask him. He briefly looks up before looking back at his suit.

"Making a few minor adjustments to make this thing work better." He answers.

"Oh. Have you heard anything from Steve?" I ask him. This time he stops what he's doing and turns his attention fully to me. He quickly glances at Mckenzie who is oblivious to what's going on because she's too busy watching her reflection in the metal tools. "Mick, why don't you take Morgan and go watch a movie?" I suggest, getting Tony's hint that he needs to tell me something privately. My sister hops off her chair and takes the baby from me before leaving. I wait until I hear the elevator doors close before speaking.

"What is it?" I ask worriedly. Tony never waits until we're alone to tell me something and if Steve was on his way or was going to be late he would've texted me. Tony gestures towards the chair my sister was previously sitting in and I sit.

"There was an incident." He starts, hesitating like he's trying to figure out how to word it.

"Tony, you're scaring me. What happened? Is Steve okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Steve is fine. But Fury-" he pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing. "Fury's dead." I gasp and put my hand over my mouth.

"What? What happened?"

"He was assassinated by a man called the Winter Soldier. Steve and Natasha are trying to get rid of him but they don't who they can trust. Before he died, Fury told Steve that S.H.I.E.L.D. had been compromised. He also told Steve not to trust anyone. You and the girls are staying here until he gets back. I already called your school. They're going to email you your assignments. You'll have to call Mckenzie's school because they wouldn't give me any information or anything because I'm not an immediate family member." He tells me. I take a moment to let all the information soak in.

The director had been killed.

My brother was chasing a crazy assassin.

I have to talk to a bunch of obnoxious people at my little sister's school.

I was going to be out of school for a while and still have to do schoolwork.

Well this weekend just sucks.

"Okay. I'll call them after I find a way to tell Mckenzie that we're staying here for a while because Steve is chasing an assassin." I tell him.

I walk out of the lab and go back to the living room to find Mckenzie on the couch curled into Pepper's side and holding Morgan while watching The Lion King. I smile and sit down next to her and pull the baby into my lap. A few seconds later, I feel the couch dip down beside me and look to see Tony now sitting beside me. Morgan reaches her arms out for him and crawls into his lap. I smile and think about how I finally have a real family. It may be a little crazy, but it's more than I've had in a long time. I force my mind to focus on the movie to keep from worrying about Steve and Natasha.

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