Chapter 3

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"What do I need to do first?" I ask. I used to go to a gym a lot before everything happened so I know how to use the equipment but I don't know where to start building my muscle back up since I'm basically just skin and bones now.

"Pull-ups." Cap says, pointing to the pull-up bar. Clint and Natasha move to the wrestling mat to spar and Thor goes with me and Steve to the equipment.

"So let me guess. You two are giving me work outs and helping me with that stuff and they're in charge of teaching me how to fight?" I ask. I get a nod from Steve as a reply. "Ok. How many?" I ask the super soldier.

"Start out with what you know you can do. Don't overdo it on your first day. You're really small because you haven't gotten the right nutrients you need so take it slow for this week. Next week you'll be a bit stronger so you can start pushing your limits if you feel like you're ready for it." Steve explains. I nod and step under the bar.

"Do you need assistance, Lady Rebekah?" The god of thunder asks me politely.

"No thanks, Thor. I got it." I say with a smile. 

I use all my effort to push myself off the floor and grab the bar. I start to pull myself towards it and realize that this is going to be harder than I imagined. Before, doing pull-ups was a piece of cake but now it's difficult. I guess I was worse off than I thought.

"We can start with something else today and come back to this when you're ready if you want to." Steve tells me, obviously seeing how much I'm struggling. I stubbornly shake my head.

"No. I can do it." I tell him.

"Stubborn. She'll fit in nicely." I hear Tony say as he exits the elevator. I finally manage to pull myself all the way up and then proceed to do 19 more before I finally let go of the bar and drop to my feet.

"Are you boys done already?" I ask him confused.

"No. Bruce kicked me out. Apparently I can be annoying and aggravating." He says.

"You don't say." I reply sarcastically before turning to Steve to ask what I do next.

"Try some leg presses. I'll start you out on 15 pounds and if that's too easy, I'll add more until you tell me to stop." He replies. I nod and make my way over to the machine. Steve puts the pin in the weight that has the number fifteen on the side and I sit in the chair and place my feet on the plate. 

I easily press the weight and Steve adds five more pounds. I have a little bit of a challenge with twenty but can do 40 leg presses with it. I move to the treadmill next. I need to work on regulating my breath while I run. I step onto the machine and start out at a light jog then slowly work my up into a fast run. When it starts getting hard to breath, I breath in through my nose and out through my mouth like I was taught to do. I spend about ten minutes on the treadmill before I hop off.

"Now what?" I ask, slightly out of breath.

"Now you get some water and relax a little bit before you go over to Clint and Natasha." Steve tells me as he tosses me a cold water bottle and a towel to wipe the sweat off with. 

I easily catch both items and wipe the sweat off my face and neck before chugging half the water down in one go. I walk towards the center of the room and place the items on the bench before approaching the mat and watch the two assassins finish sparring each other. When they finish, they turn to me.

"Since it's your first day and Cap already wore you out, we're just going to show you a few simple maneuvers then we'll start the real stuff next week." Clint explains. I nod, glad that I didn't have to do actual fighting today.

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