Chapter 4

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Over the next three months, I had grown closer to the team, especially Steve. I had also gotten my appetite back as well as my muscle. I didn't look as sickly anymore. 

Steve became my legal guardian because I had to have one for school so we decided that my last name, as well as Mckenzie and Morgan's, would be Rogers. I don't refer to him as my father though, I call him my older brother. Which I quickly started to see him as. 

I also moved out of the tower to D.C. with Steve. The apartment is a little cramped but we make it work. Thor went back to Asgard and Clint went wherever he goes when he isn't on a mission. Steve is preparing for a mission he has to go on tonight with Natasha. I am trying to get ready for school as well as making sure that Mckenzie is ready. Morgan is staying in the tower with Pepper and Tony while Steve is on the mission.

I finish getting ready and walk to the table in the kitchen where Mckenzie is eating breakfast with Steve. I stand behind her and begin brushing her hair as she eats.

"Alright Mick, how do you want your hair today?" I ask her. 

This is our daily routine. I get ready after getting Mckenzie ready then do her hair while she eats breakfast with Steve. When Morgan is here, Steve is in charge of making sure her bottle is ready and she has a fresh diaper and clean clothes on for the day. Then, he walks her to the daycare across the street before coming back to eat breakfast. Then he walks with Mckenzie and I to school since we can't both fit on his motorcycle.

"Umm. Curlies!" My sister answers excitedly. I sigh.

"We don't have time for curlies today hon. I can put it up in a ponytail or bun or I can braid it." I tell her.

"Braid it." She answers.

"Ok. What type? French, double Dutch, regular, fishtail, or double regular?" I ask her, listing off the braids I can do.

"French!" She says. I then start to French braid her hair. I am about to tie it off when I realize I forgot to grab a hair tie.

"Ok. Umm. Hold this right here while I go get a hair tie." I tell her, handing her the end of the braid so it wouldn't all come undone.

I run to our room and grab a hair tie off of my night stand before returning to the kitchen. I quickly tie off her hair before pouring me a bowl of cereal and some coffee.

I quickly eat my breakfast before putting my dishes in the sink along with Mckenzie's. I then grab our back packs and am about to zip Mckenzie's up when I realize her addition homework is on the table. I quickly grab it and put it in her folder before zipping the bag up and helping her put it on. I then grab my own satchel-style bag and sling it across my body.

"Steve! We gotta go!" I call out to the super soldier who disappeared.

He walks out of his room and grabs his keys before we head out of the apartment and to the stairs.

"Do you have your key to the apartment?" He asks me as we exit the building. I nod after checking my pocket. "Alright. Tony is going-"

"To pick Mckenzie up and take her to the apartment to get some clothes and then he's going to pick me up and do the same for me. Then he's going to take us back to the tower where we're going to stay until you get back tomorrow." I interrupt with a smile. "I know Steve. It's the same every time."

We arrive at Mckenzie's school and walk her to the classroom before we go to my school. When we arrive, I give Steve a hug.

"Please stay safe." I tell him.

"I will. Be good for Tony and Pepper. Love you!" He calls as I head into the school.

"Always am! Love you too!" I call back before turning back around and walking into the building.

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