Chapter 10

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The team looked for two weeks. They found the warehouse Rebekah told them about but found no trace of her. They did, however, find Vincent. For the past week they've interrogated him and done everything they could think of to get him to talk. They were still no where close to to finding Rebekah.

Two weeks turned into two months, which turned into four months. Then six months. Then twelve. A year went by during which the Avengers raided countless HYDRA bases both in the country and out of it. They still haven't found her. 

Mckenzie's birthday passed, so did Morgan's. Morgan started walking and talking. Tony and Pepper broke up. But they never stopped looking.

Now, Natasha is back in the interrogation room to try to get something- anything- out of Vincent. She's been in there for an hour and he hasn't answered any of her questions. Nat puts her hands on the table and leans forward, getting in Vincent's face.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where is she?" Vincent stares at her and smiles. "I swear to God if you don't tell me I will put you throw the worst pain imaginable. I will succeed in what you attempted to do Rebekah. I will make you scream and then I'll make you wish you were dead. Now tell me. Where the hell is she?!" Vincent laughs and leans back in his chair.

"You know where she is. She's in the same place you found me. You just didn't look hard enough."

"We looked. We didn't see any sign of her. We couldn't even find the room you kept her in. She wasn't there." Just then, Natasha realized what they had missed. "Unless, she was there and the room was hidden." Vincent's face fell slightly in realization that the spy had figured it out.

"You will never find her. I hid her too well." He tells Natasha. But Natasha is already making her way out of the room and down the hall to the elevator. She hits the button for the living room area and waits for the doors to open. When she reaches the floor, she exits the elevator, seeing Clint and Thor in the kitchen making sandwiches.

"Where's everybody else?" She asks quickly.

"Banner and Stark are in the lab and Steve is picking Mckenzie up from school. Why? What happened?" Clint replies. Just then, the elevator dinged and Steve exits with a little dark haired girl skipping after him.

"Hey auntie Nat. Can you color with me before I have to do my homework?" She asks the red head.

"Why don't you go ahead and start on your homework? I'll color with you later. We have something important to discuss right now." She tells the child. The girl bounces over to the kitchen table and pulls out her worksheets and a pencil.

"Stevie can I have some juice and goldfish?" She asks. Steve nods and quickly pours her a glass of juice and puts some goldfish on a napkin and places them in the table before turning to his friends.

"What happened? Did you find her?" He asks them.

"First we need to get to the lab. Bruce and Tony need to hear this too." She says, leading them to the elevator. Once everyone was in, she presses the button for the lab floor. When they exit, they go straight to the lab and enter through the glass door, causing Bruce and Tony to look up.

"What?" Tony asks. "Whatever bad words Mckenzie said she didn't hear from me." He jokes. Natasha rolls her eyes and dives right into her information.

"I think I know where she is." She states simply, causing everyone to look at her with wide eyes. "She's in the warehouse we searched first."

"How? We looked everywhere. We didn't find her." Bruce says.

"Exactly. We looked everywhere we knew of. We didn't check for hidden rooms or passageways. I didn't think of it until I was just interrogating Vincent. He said something. 'She's in the same place you found me. You just didn't look hard enough.' I didn't understand until I thought of what that possibly could've meant."

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