Chapter 21

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3 Months Later

I was at a coffee shop in Romania with Bucky when I see the footage of an explosion on the news. I try to hear what the news anchor was saying but am unable to make out the words over the volume of the coffee shop.

"Ridică asta." I say to the woman behind the counter. (Turn that up.) She grabs the TV remote and turns around, turning to volume up.

"What you are seeing is footage of an explosion that happened this morning at the Center of Infectious Diseases headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria." The woman says. "The explosion occurred when mercenary Brock Rumlow attempted suicide by blowing himself up, an attempt which would have also killed Avengers leader Steve Rogers. The attempt was stopped when Avenger Wanda Maximoff used her enhancement to contain the explosion. Her short-lived heroism turned deadly when her powers failed, causing the explosion to occur and kill civilians in the building." I turn away from the TV, my mind racing.

"I need to call Steve." I tell Bucky quietly. I walk out of the building and to a payphone down the street, the assassin following me silently. I put the quarters in and quickly dial Steve's number, listening to the ringing a few times.

"Hello?" He says when he picks up, his voice filling me with relief.

"Steve, are you okay?" I ask quickly.

"Rebekah?" He questions. I nod even though I know he can't see me.

"Yeah. It's me." I tell him. "I saw the news about what happened in Lagos. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He tells me. "Bekah, where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, Stevie." I say with a small smile. "I can't tell you where I am, but I'm okay. I'm safe."

"Come home." He pleads. "Please, Rebekah. Just come home. We can find Bucky together."

"I can't do that, Steve." I say. "I can't come home just yet. But I promise, as soon as I find him, I'll come home. And I'll bring him with me."


"I have to go." I say before he can argue any farther. "Please stay safe. I love you, Steve." Before he can say anything, I hang up the phone.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Bucky asks.

"Because then he would come get us." I say. "And I for one am not ready to face him after everything I've done. And he would just have more questions than either of us can answer." The soldier just nods and we return to the abandoned apartment building.

Hours later, I'm pulling my leather jacket on and walking out of the bathroom, tying my hair up into a messy ponytail as I go. I walk over to the table and slip a few of my knives into their hiding places in my shoes, sleeve, and pockets before slipping my gun into the waistband of my jeans, sliding an extra clip into the pocket of my jacket.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to go?" I ask Bucky for the thousandth time as I pull on my baseball hat, pulling my ponytail through the hole in the back as I turn to him. He rolls his eyes and nods.

"I promise I won't kill anyone." He says, making me frown as I lower my hands to my sides.

"That's not what I-"

"I know." He says with a small smile. "I was trying to make a joke. Guess I'm not good at those yet." I smile at him sadly.

"Any new old memories?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "Well, maybe something will come to you while I'm gone." He simply nods and I double check to make sure I have everything I'll need before walking to the door.

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