Chapter 2

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The rest of the day was spent basically just killing time and getting to know each other a bit. Fury had sent a few agents to get a crib and changing table to go in Morgan and Mckenzie's room. They returned about two hours later and dropped them off for us to put together. So the past 30 minutes have been spent sorting through the contents of the box that the crib came in trying to figure out what goes where.

"Tony, it would go a lot quicker if you just looked at the instructions." I tell him for the umpteenth time.

"I don't need instructions. I can do it." He says stubbornly. 

I roll my eyes and get the instructions out of the box anyway. I open the little booklet only to throw it across the room when I see it's written in Chinese. Everyone turns their heads to me as the booklet falls to the floor after hitting the wall.

"How the hell are we supposed to read the instructions when they're written in Mandarin?!" I ask them. They shake their heads in amusement before getting back to work.

After two more hours of comments such as, "I think I got it! Wait, nope, never mind. It just collapsed."
"Whoever made this must have decided to drink some of that funky liquor from Asgard!"
"I hope this screw isn't important. There's nowhere for it to go. Oh well, let's just say it's an extra in case we lost one."
and my personal favorite, "For Christ's sake capsicle! Just screw the freaking thing already!", we finally get the crib and table set up.

"That took way longer than it should have." I say. "Who's hungry?" Everyone's hand shoots up so we go to the kitchen to get some food. I walk into the living room to see Mckenzie asleep on the couch. I gently shake her awake and she slowly opens her eyes. "Hey sleepy head. It's lunchtime. Are you hungry or do you want to go back to sleep?" I ask her. She closes her eyes and I take that as my answer.

Carefully, I pick up her small body, holding her on my hip and let her head rest on my shoulder. I walk through the kitchen back to the stairs and make my way to her new room. I gently lay her down on the bed and pull the blankets up to her chin before placing a kiss on her forehead.

 I walk out and turn the light off behind me before going to my room where Morgan was laying quietly on my bed. I smile at her before I pick her up and take her with me back to the kitchen. I fix her another bottle and feed her while the rest of the team eats and talks.

"How much food can that baby eat?" Tony asks me in surprise.

"She's three months old. She needs at least 6 ounces of milk every two hours. Until today she's only gotten about 12 ounces a day." I tell him. I look down and see that she's finished her bottle and has fallen back asleep. I quickly take her back upstairs and carefully place her in her crib before going back downstairs.

"So, what's the plan for the rest of the day?" I ask as I grab my sandwich from earlier and sit in between Steve and Clint.

"Well we're going to run some tests to see how strong and fast you are then we're going to see how well you can fight before we start your training." Natasha says.

"Sounds like fun. What else?" I ask

"Then we're going to make some calls and get you enrolled in school." Clint tells me. I stop unwrapping my sandwich and turn to him.

"Doesn't sound like fun. Why?"

"Because you're 15 years old and haven't been to school in a year." Steve says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"So? I can be homeschooled. I can take online classes. Or I can just drop out and we can pretend this conversation never even happened." I say hopefully.

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