Chapter 17

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While Steve, Tony and Thor talk to Ultron at the shipyard in Africa, Nat, Clint, and I start taking out any hostiles we see. Suddenly, I hear gunfire coming from the area the guys are in, making me believe that Klaue gave the order to fire at us, I lean over the railing of the staircase I was on, seeing a man aiming his gun at Clint. I hop over the railing and land on the guy's shoulders, making him fall to the ground. 

I straddle his back and wrap my left arm under his, looping my other arm around his throat and grabbing my left hand. I pull my hand toward me and wait a few moments, ignoring the man's hands scratching at mine, before he finally goes limp, passing out. I let go and let him fall face down on the ground. I then pull out my gun and start to creep back up the stairs. I had just gotten to the top when the scenery suddenly changes. 

I look around, seeing that I was back in my old room at the tower. I look around in panic, seeing the flames engulfing the room. I run over to Mckenzie and Morgan, trying to wake them up but they stay asleep. I reach out and try to pick them up but my hands go straight through them, making my panic increase. 

"No. Wake up. Mckenzie, Morgan, wake up!" I scream, trying to get them to open their eyes. When I realize they won't, I fall to the ground on my knees, clutching a hand to my chest as I close my eyes, a broken sob escaping my throat. 

I feel the heat go away for a moment and open my eyes, hoping the memory would be gone. I look up just as the flames increase again, this time showing the team dead on the ground. I run over to Steve and grab his hand, laying my head on his chest. 

"Not you too." I cry brokenly. "I can't lose you guys too!" Suddenly, Steve takes in a deep breath and grabs my hair, pulling my head up. 

"How could you?" He asks brokenly. "We trusted you." 

"I'm sorry! I don't know what happened!" I say, sobbing uncontrollably. 

"You lost control." He answers, wheezing. "You killed us." He then lets out his last breath, his eyes closing and hand releasing my hair as he dies. 

"No, no, no, no. Steve!" I yell, shaking him, trying to get him to wake up. "Steve wake up!" I try for a few more moments before I stand up, shaking my head and backing away. I manage to walk few feet when my knees buckle and I fall onto them, a scream erupting from my throat. 

3rd Person Point of View

Clint Barton had just gotten back into the building after getting Thor, Steve, and Natasha to the jet. He rushes through the long hallways, looking for the youngest member of the team. He feels the heat rising in the building and tries to follow the rise in temperature to the source but can't manage to find the points  where it seemed the warmest. 

Suddenly, he hears a gut wrenching scream and runs down the hall and up a flight of stairs, seeing the teenage girl on the ground, tears streaming down her face and her hands glowing a brilliant red, her eyes holding brilliant red flames instead of their usual dark green color. He notices that her hands slowly dim down and the fire disappears from her eyes, making him think she's coming out of her hallucination. 

"Rebekah!" He calls out, getting no response. "Rebekah, we need to go!" He still doesn't get a response so he walks forward and looks at her face, seeing her in some sort of trance similar to Natasha. He picks the girl up and carries her down the stairs and out of the building. 

"I got you. You're gonna be okay." He mumbles to the girl repeatedly as he carries her to the jet. When he gets inside the aircraft, he tries to set Rebekah down in a seat next to Natasha but she grips onto him tighter. 

"Back." She mumbles, the assassin's hearing almost missing it. He takes her to the back of the jet where she would be isolated and sets her down on the ground. He places a hand on her shoulder before walking to the cockpit to fly the jet to the secure location.

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