Chapter 71

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  "Katherine!" Bill called from downstairs. "Get down here!"

Katherine put her hair in a ponytail and walked to the stairs. As she passed one of the bathrooms, Katherine saw Fleur with two wet towels and bandages. Fleur gave her a weak smile, making Katherine know something was wrong. Katherine's walk turned into a run when she reached the stairs. She got to the living room and saw Fred and George sitting on the couch with small cuts and bruises.

"What happened?" Katherine asked as she ran to the twins.

"Death Eaters attacked the shop," Fred sighed. Fleur ran in and handed a towel to Katherine. She took care of George while Fleur tended to Fred.

"Yea, several of them," George said.

"Why?" Bill asked.

"We think it's because of Potterwatch," Fred answered.

Katherine sighed. "I knew that wasn't a good idea."

"It's okay, Kari, we're fine," George said.

"No, actually, you both are not fine," Katherine clenched her jaw. "Death Eaters attacked you two, and both of you are hurt!"

"Kari, please calm down," Fred said.

Katherine scoffed. "Calm down. No, I'm not going to calm down. You guys could've died! And what do you think happened when you disapparated, huh? They most likely destroyed your shop! You've spent your life savings on that building, and now it's gone for some podcast!"

Katherine stormed out of the room to avoid any more yelling. The twins were putting themselves in danger, and they didn't even care. They need to know that if they died, how heartbroken everyone would be. Fred and George brought happiness wherever they went, and if they died, that would be ruined.

Katherine jumped on her bed and snuggled under the covers. The thought of the twins dying raced through her mind. Katherine couldn't hold the tears that were forming in her eyes. She let them out and started to cry. Katherine couldn't lose George. He was the most important person in her life. If anything happened to him, Katherine wouldn't know what to do with her life. George was the love of her life. Without him, Katherine didn't want to live.

"Kari?" George said from the door.

Katherine didn't turn to face him. Instead, she wiped her eyes and stayed under her covers. Katherine felt the bed shift, and a pair of hands turn her around. She avoided eye contact with George and stared at the bed. George lifted her head and wiped the single tear that was running down her face.

"Please don't cry," he whispered. That only made her do the opposite. Katherine started to cry again, making George bring her to his chest.

"George, I don't want you to get hurt," Katherine cried.

"Kari, I promise you I will not get hurt," George cooed. "I mean, you should've seen Fred and me. We were knocking all those Death Eaters down!"

Katherine let out a loud laugh and looked at George. "Stop joking around!"

"Well, you're the one laughing," George cracked the smile.

"Oh, shut it," Katherine sighed and nuzzled her head deeper into George's chest. "Will you and Fred be staying here?"

"I don't know. We're gonna talk to Mum and see what she says."

"I hope you can stay."


Molly sent the twins to their Aunt Muriel's house. Katherine tried to convince Molly to let Fred and George stay, but it was no use. The woman had made her mind up, and there was no changing it. The twins had left a week after their appearance and still planned on doing Potterwatch. Katherine didn't try to persuade them not to do it. She knew they had their minds set on participating in Potterwatch. In order for Katherine to stop nagging, George explained how much hope it brought to everyone in the Wizarding World.

Bill, Fleur, and Katherine were listening to what Lee was saying through a Muggle radio. The boys were giving out survival tips while joking around. Katherine felt the happiness radiate through the radio. Lee was going on about Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder that could help you with escaping anyone. Next, they talked about cures for itching and painful bites. The last tip they gave out was for avoiding Dragon Breath.

Katherine wondered why anyone would run into dragons but quickly disregarded the twins and Lee's silliness and continued listening. There wasn't that much left to say except for everyone to be safe and be on the lookout. The next password for the broadcast would be Meadows. Katherine smiled at the name. She remembered when Dumbledore took her into his Pensieve for the first time, and she saw Dorcas.

Fleur laughed. "I love listening to ze broadcasts. Ze twins and Lee make me laugh!"

Bill smiled and walked into the kitchen, leaving a giggly French girl with Katherine. She amusedly watched Fleur calm herself down. When she did, Fleur let out a loud breath and threw her arms on the couch. Fleur turned to the smirking Katherine. For no reason at all, the girls started to roar with laughter. Bill curiously walked in and furrowed his eyebrows. He was beginning to think the girls were going crazy from the limited time in the outside world.

"What are you two laughing about?" he asked.

"W-We don't k-know e-exactly," Katherine said between her fit of laughter.

Bill rolled his eyes and made his way to Fleur and planted a kiss on her lips. She instantly stopped laughing and made a face making Katherine laugh even harder. Katherine held her stomach and rocked back and forth. She rocked a little bit too far and fell face-first off the couch. A crack was heard on the ground. Now it was Bill's turn to laugh.

"Owww!" Katherine whined. "I think I broke my nose."

Fleur chuckled. "Sit up, and let me check it."

Katherine did as Fleur said and earned a shocked reaction from Bill and Fleur. Seeing Bill's red ears and Fleur's wide eyes, Katherine stood up and rushed to the closest mirror. Her nose was dripping blood, and it was bent upwards. Katherine started to scream at the sight of her broken and misshapen nose. Bill took hold of Katherine's shoulders, and Fleur pointed her wand at her face.

"What are you doing?" Katherine questioned.

"I am fixing your face," Fleur smiled. "Episkey!"

Katherine felt a pop and ache of pain run through her nose. She gingerly touched her face and felt no bump. Katherine let out a relieved sigh and looked in the mirror. She looked like her old self minus the blood.

"Turn back around. I am not finished," Fleur commanded. "Scourgify!"

"Ugh, thank you, Fleur."

"No problem. Now come 'elp me make pancakes!"

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