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Reading through my secret admirer's letter, I laugh. My heart starts to race at the thought of "our love". I smile at how he wrote this letter to make my day better.

I get up from my bed, and walk towards my desk. I sit on the spinning chair and wiggle until I feel comfortable. I reach to my left for a piece of paper, and to my right for a pen. I snap the pen lid off and place the pen to the paper.

Dear My Secret Admirer,

You are extremely funny and cute, and your letter put a smile on my face. I am extremely sorry for betraying you, my love. Hey! I have another question. What should I call you?



I fold the piece of paper in half and slide the paper in an envelope. I grab the tuck the corner of the envelope, but I stop. I open my desk drawer and grab a sticker sheet. I gently peel a smiley face sticker, and use it to seal the envelope.

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