Ethan and Mark, underground borrowers

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Ethan's pov

I can't believe this is actually happening, my very first borrowing! I'm so excited! This has been my dream since... well forever, and yes, I know that as a borrower I shouldn't be this excited to go out there, to a literal world of giants, but I can't help it. I've read a ton of books and heard numerous stories about the surface world, and even though a lot of them talk about how 'dangerous and wild' it is and how you should 'never go out there' I couldn't help but wonder about the amazing, undiscovered side of it.

Like the sky for example, how it can change so drastically from a pitch black ceiling filled with twinkling little dots of far off stars and galaxies to the clear baby blue sky that allows rays of sunlight to shine down and lighten everything in sight. Or the nature, so green and full of life, each plant sending out a different variety of foods and smells for anyone to enjoy.

Way different from where me and the colony of borrowers I live with live. No plants, no sky, no beautiful, jaw dropping views, just an underground cavern where the only colours besides dirt brown and black were found in illustrated books and the only light source we had came from the borrowed, dimly lit torches (match sticks) sprinkled throughout the underground town. Which is why I want to leave so bad, it's just too... Boring and dark down here, especially when you know about all the un-boring, sunny world just above your head. I mean wouldn't you wanna leave?

Of course no one is actually allowed to leave, can't risk possibly exposing our kind, so I chose the next best thing...

Unlike in the movies, borrowings here occur every couple of months or so, with only the bravest of the colony going up to gather a load of needed food and lost items that'll last the colony until the next one. This is mainly so there's less of a chance of being caught. Less time out there equals less chances of being seen. Whch is by the way pretty much the worst thing that can happen to a borrower... Or so they say.

Our elders always warn us about the humans and how, even though they may look similar to us, are basically feral animals, both mindless and heartless creatures who care only about looking for their next meal or unfortunate little toy to play with. And everyone in the colony just believes it, seeing as no one has ever actually seen a human for themselves to make up their own damn mind, but I think different.

I think beans are more like us then we're lead on to believe. I mean have you seen the stuff we borrow from them. Pins, pencils, socks, lightbulbs, batteries, this stuff was created by humans, and if they are smart enough to create that I believe they're smart enough to not want to kill us for no reason other then instinct. No 'mindless monster' can build this stuff. So believing that, I of course didn't have any fear in signing up for the up coming borrowing, and it wasn't much of a surprise that I got accepted almost immediately after I did. Nearly everyone in the colony was to scared to volunteer so they were pretty desperate when I did. Lucky me I guess.

After a few weeks of waiting it was finally time, the day of the borrowing was here.

I woke up excited as ever and happily dressed into my uniform, which was an all black full body suit completed with black sneakers and a jacket. Even though it wasn't what I'd usually wear I had to admit it looked pretty badass. Like I was a spy or something getting ready for my next mission.

After admiring myself a little in the mirror, which in reality was just a broken piece of glass, I ran to the kitchen and quickly scoffed down a bowl of plain ol cereal. Then rushed out the door, sprinting non-stop til I reached the edge of town, where the only exit and entrance to the caverns was. There I noticed a huge crowd of borrowers cheering as they surrounded about 10 others in the same uniform as me and walked right up to the crowd hoping to join them. But not seeing any way around I start hesitantly squeezing my way through.

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