Chapter 10

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The man enters the shed at dawn again and I expect him to beat me again, but he doesn't.

He throws me over his shoulder, particularly with a large knife in his hand. I immediately tense up when I see the knife in his hand.

He walks with me on his shoulder for quite some time, maybe 4 miles into the woods. Then, he drops me on the floor, where a jagged rock just so happened to be.

The rock slices my leg and I try to let out a cry of pain, but can't since my mouth is still taped shut. I start squirming in pain when I feel something dig into my arm.

I feel like I'm in shock. The man had stabbed my arm. I roll over in pain I see him about to raise the knife again when someone tackles him.

"Get off of her!" Jesse barks at the man, eyes wide as he sees the man had no face.

After that, he starts punching the man when I hear him gasp in pain.

The blood starts to stain his white shirt and the man retracts the knife out of Jesse.

I prepare to see the death of my boyfriend, my eyes welling with tears, feeling a bit woozy, when the unexpected happens.

Jesse quickly snatches the knife from the man and plunges it into the man, and the man disintegrates in front of our own eyes.

My eyes bulge out in shock. What the heck just happened?

I look to see Jesse still standing there, with a look of shock on his face as well.

"Anna!" He yells, running towards me. "Oh god, Anna! I'm so sorry!" He scoops me up off of the ground. "This might hurt." He says, and pulls the duck tape off of my mouth.

"AHH!" I yell in pain, my lips burning.

"Anna, oh, I need to take you to the hospital!" He exclaims, his voice shaky as he looks at my injuries.

"The story...happened..." I manage to slur before I pass out.

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