Chapter 18

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We walk through the door to Washington state to find ourselves in the woods. Not to mention the woods were Jesse and I always used to go to.

"Convenient it brought us back here, right?" I grin, looking up at Jesse and he nods his head in response.

"I wonder if it's safe to go to either of our houses, our parents could be home."

"Speaking of parents, I wonder if Demetrius is really my father and that my 'dad' is an imposter."

"I'm pretty sure your dad at home is your real father, because everything Demetrius says or does is crazy anyways." Jesse shrugs his shoulders, walking along side of me.

"I don't know, I'm really hoping so." I really did, I couldn't see Demetrius as my dad, ever.

We continue to walk until we're up the driveway to my front door. I unlock the door with the hidden spare key and we head inside.

"I wonder if your dad is home." Jesse whispers, looking around the living room.

"Anna? Is that you?" My dad's voice calls out from upstairs.

"Crap." This was just my luck. Note how I always seem to be sarcastic.

I'm weird, I know.

I might as well reply, he'll find me downstairs sooner or later.


"Oh, it's you! I'm coming!" I hear him stampede down the stairs.

I turn to see my dad, somehow out of breath.

"Hi." I state blandly.

"Anna, I've missed you so much! I thought Demetrius did something to you!" He cries out, engulfing me in a large bear hug.

I cringe at his large gesture, and Jesse pulls me away, wrapping his arm around my waist protectively.

"Don't ever take my daughter away from me." My father growls (quite literally) at Jesse.

Jesse returns a menacing look at my dad.

"Jesse..." I squeeze his hand, trying to calm him down, and his face softens at my touch.

"Anna, I'm so sorry I let Demetrius get you, I was afraid, he's quite powerful." My dad looks at me, his eyes full of sorrow.

"So you let him capture me just because you were afraid for your own life? If it was you, I would have risked my life for you dad."

"I don't know what I was thinking, I'm truly sorry."

"Save it." Jesse pipes up, it scared me when he got angry, it was as if it was a whole new him.

"What did I tell you kid? Just shut up."

"Make me."

"Stop it you two! Just stop arguing! Please," I plead, upset with both of them. "And I need to know, are you my actual father?"

My dad takes a while to respond, but when he does, his answer shocks me.

"I'm not your actual father, I'm sorry. I found you in Onsia. Demetrius was about to give you evil powers to have you help him with his evil work. Luckily, he only gave you a serum to give you the ability to fly, at the age of 16, which is now, have you flown yet?"

Well that made sense for me flying across the river, but still, my dad wasn't really my dad, who did I really have to trust anymore other than Jesse?

"Yeah, today I did," I reply simply. "Tell me the rest of your explaination."

"You were only a year old, when he wasn't looking, I took you away. I was not going to let an innocent child become evil, even if their father already was. So, for the last 15 years I've been protecting you from Demetrius, until now."

"How did you even gain access to Demetrius' work area?" It seemed like my no-longer-real-dad was hiding something.

"Demetrius had visited Earth once, in search of an assistant, if you could even call it that. He found me and brought me to Onsia, and from then on I had helped him. Not because I wanted to, he forced me to. I didn't want anything to do with evil. That's why I didn't want you to be involved with Demetrius and I wanted to be your protector. Give you a normal life, going to school, having friends. Not helping your father plan what evil thing to do next. So I did the right thing, snuck away with you from Onsia, using the portal, of course using your hand DNA to unlock it, and I brought you here, to Washington."

"I still can't believe you lied to me all these years! I thought I could trust you, but I guess not." I shout at him, my voice shaky.

"At least I did something right! I protected you from evil, do you want to become evil, Anna? Do you?" My dad (I'll start calling him by his actual name, James, not William or dad.) yelled at me, his voice rising.

"Maybe I did, it would be better than living with you, you liar.Goodbye, James." I'd never called him by his first name, but I might as well, I'd probably never see him again.

I quickly grab Jesse's hand and turn to walk out of the house when dad- I mean James- locked his large hands around my wrists.

"Anna, you can't leave! Please, don't do this to me." He pleads, tightening his grip on my wrists.

"Ow, you're hurting me! Let go!" He doesn't let go, his eyes full of anger and hurt.

"Let her go." Jesse slaps James in the face, him releasing his grip on my wrists.

James' face looked stunned at Jesse's actions. Then he started chasing after us out of the house, but we were a good 10 yards ahead of him.

"Run, Jesse!"

"Where?" He looks at me confused.

"To the portal, we have to go back to Onsia." I state quickly.

"What? We can't go back there!"

"We have to! Now c'mon!" I then remember that I can fly, so I hold onto Jesse's hand tighter and throw my hand up, causing us to fly to the forrest.

"Anna!" James' voice bellows from a far distance.

"Are you sure about this, babe?" Jesse looks down at me, anxiety in his eyes.

"I'm sure." I say, squeezing his hand to comfort him.


Ah so sorry I haven't updated in a few days! I hope this makes up for it, and I hope you vote, comment, all that good stuff! :)

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