Chapter 17

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"This way, my dear." Demetrius swiftly walks through the hall to the dungeon.

I couldn't believe how gullible he was. As if he had the physical look of a man and the mentality of a 5 year old, we had gotten him to find our way to the dungeon.

"Careful, the ceiling is quite low down here."

I nearly gag because it smelled moldy and musty. That's when I see it. A medium, square shaped window near the floor in the corner of the dungeon.

I nudge Jesse, indicating that there was a window down here.

"Hurry, get to the window, I'll distract him." Jesse whispers ever so softly.

"Hey Demetrius! Over here!" Jesse waves his hands frantically, and Demetrius runs over to where Jesse is.

"What's wro-" Demetrius is cut off by Jesse socking him on the face as I attempt to open the window.

"Jesse, it's stuck!" I yell out.

"Just kick it out!" He responds, his face red and his breathing heavy as he continues to hit Demetrius.

I kick the window with all my strength and the glass goes flying out.

"I've got it!" I look over to Jesse, who still has Demetrius pinned to the ground. "Come on, Jess! Lets go!"

"You'll never leave darling, you'll be mine forever." Demetrius croaks, lying nearly lifelessly on the dungeon floor.

"Watch me." I smirk, looking at him one last time. "Jesse, lets go."

Jesse jogs over to me and we crawl through the low window.

"Ouch!" Jesse cries out, looking at the palm of his hand.

"What happened to you? Are you alright?" I look back at him, was he ok?

"I just cut my hand with the glass, it hurts though." He replies through gritted teeth.

"Hurry, I can fix it if we get out of here." We crawl through and hop up onto our feet.

"Ok, let me see your hand." I reach out for his hand and he gives it to me.

I gasp when I see the large gash in his hand, the glass still in his hand.

"We're always getting hurt, huh?" Jesse weakly jokes.

I softly take the glass out, and he hisses in pain.

"Sorry." I frown slightly, cleaning the wound with the end of my shirt.

"How is it?" He asks curiously, inspecting his hand.

"Well, if I could, I'd stitch up your hand, but I obviously can't, I have nothing to stitch it up with."

"Anna." I hear Demetrius moan, his voice sounding close.

"Hurry, we've got to get out of here." I say anxiously, if we didn't hurry, Demetrius would find us.

I grab Jesse's other hand and we sprint off into a long stretch of grass, it seemed never ending.

"Where are we? It's like this place is never ending." Jesse looks around.

"Wait, do you see that?" I squint, pointing to a very cottage looking shape in the distance.

"Yeah, lets go check it out." We continue to sprint until we get to the cottage.

I hesitate, but then finally knock on the old wooden door. I hear footsteps pad to the door and it slowly creaks open.

"May I help you?" A scrawny man with a large beard asks me.

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